ACL Interview: Rey Pila

Rey PilaI realize that ACL is completely done now and many folks have the festival in their rearview as we move on to the next thing, but I’ve got one last related piece to share with you.  Our final interview, and possibly our most interesting, comes today from new wave band Rey Pila.  The ATH crew was excited for this one because we got to practice some of our Spanish with the Brooklyn based, but Mexico born band.  Follow the jump for full interview.

For those that don’t “habla the español”, maybe try google translate?

ATH: Muchos que trabajan a Austin Town Hall hablan español, más o menos…. ¿Ustedes viven en Nueva York ahora, no? ¿Cómo es la ciudad y la escena musical? ¿ustedes van a quedarse allí?

Nueva York es una cuidad que nos gusta mucho, tiene los mejores restaurantes italianos (la mejor pasta y pizza), muy buen cafe, buenos bares y sobre todo mucha cultura. Manhattan ha pasado por tantas cosas a nivel musical que es una de las cunas de la música. A todos en la banda nos gusta MUCHO los Ramones, Talking Heads, Lou Reed, Sonic Youth etc.. Tenemos una verdadera admiración por la música de esa cuidad. La energía de Nueva York es contagiosa y nos inspira mucho

Hoy en día Brooklyn es el area con mas movimiento cultural. Hay bares restaurantes y buenos venues. Hemos tocado en lugares como de BK como Baby’s Allright, Cameo Gallery, Glasslands etc.. Siempre es muy emocionante tocar en Nueva York.

Pasamos muchos dias de el año en Nueva York, prácticamente estamos entre la cuidad de Mexico y Nueva York. Eventualmente algunos nos vamos a mudar a la Gran Manzana.

ATH: So all of our readers understand this article, we will now be switching to English…. So you guys are playing ACL here soon. How do you guys prepare for a large open air festival compared to smaller, intimate venues?

We don’t really think about it that much.. We feel each gig has a life of it’s own.Playing day time in festivals is different from club shows but as I said before every show is important to us.

Small shows are always badass!

ATH: It seems like the sign to Cult Records has really begun to get your name mentioned when it maybe wasn’t in the past. Do you think the label signing is the reason for the new success or is it just hard work?

It’s a combination of factors really, Cult has done a great job working with us but we firmly believe in team work. We love working with Cult , we have a very smooth work flow.

ATH: Speaking of the label, is it intimidating for you at all to be on a label with such name recognition as “Casablancas” or is it all good?

Not at all! He is a really cool dude and a very good soccer player.

ATH: We were excited to hear the new singles from you guys. When can we expect the full LP?

Early next year.

ATH: Speaking of, can you give fans an idea of what to expect on the full release? Similar to the singles?

Yes, the album has that vibe, lots of synths and guitar hooks. We tried our best to have a healthy balance of alternative and pop elements.

ATH: So with ACL coming soon, do you have time to catch any other bands? Who are you excited about seeing?

Beck, Mac De Marco, Interpol and Eminem.

ATH: ¿algo más para la publica y sus fans?

Esperamos verlos pronto! Estamos muy emocionados de que salga el disco para que lo escuchen.