Lovely German Bedroom Pop From Botschaft

For me, lyrics are one of the main things that grab me about a track, so it takes a lot for a song in a language that I don’t speak, or understand really at all, to move me. That all said, this new number from Botschaft is truly a winner; jangly guitars weave delicately through the song and the vocals remind me of the likes of Shout Out Louds. The title, “Sozialisiert in der BRD” translates to “Raised in (West) Germany” and, according to the band is “meant as a radical criticism of growing up in democratic capitalism. It is characterized as a process of adaptation in which the young “citizen” not only is taught a calculating use of mind but also to internalize all the external dutys it has to obey: identity-making.” Take a listen and fall for the band as I did.