Exclusive Premiere: Genuine Leather Release New Single (+ Album)
Having spent a lot of time over the last year or so with Genuine Leather, I’ve found that the band is one of the more diverse acts playing around in Austin. They always carry about a certain pop sensibility that endears them to audiences, but they can spin it in an indie vein or toss it about with a little twang; they seem to employ both on their latest single, “Say the Same Thing Twice.” It’s the latest in what is sure to be an excellent album, titled Losers, which the band are releasing on July 1st. They’ve got a couple of great shows lined-up to celebrate too! They play at the Blackheart on July 5th and Cheer Up Charlies on July 13th. Their great music is second only to their dominating live show, so be sure to catch them at least once, if not twice. For now, enjoy their new single, on us.
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