Show Preview: Dub Thompson + Ought @ Holy Mountain (7/3)
In a bone-headed move that I accept full responsibility for, I completely slept on the Dub Thompson album, 9 Songs. I’ve since had it on a steady rotation after it’s release; there’s elements of noise, psychedelic hints and just weirdo pop, so of course I’m obsessing. The band brings their show into town this Thursday night, and you’ve all got July 4th off, so you’ve got no excuse to stay out late and enjoy the music over at Holy Mountain. Also, you’ll get to see Montreal’s Ought, who received the arbitrary “Best New Music” tag from P4k, if that matters to you. Their angular post-rock seems like it’s built for a pulsating live show of rhythm and grooves. You can buy yourself $10 tickets HERE. Hope to see you guys out so we can celebrate freedom together at midnight.