Touring w/ a Band: The Handy Guide with A. Sinclair (Part 5)

524871_4433688652362_559866179_nOh no. It seems Brendan Bond has his mind on only one thing…well, more than one thing, but I’m stuck on the first paragraph.  Click below for a quick look into the mind of our touring friends.  Note that while on the road, if you’re just joining us, that Brendan is also playing with What Made Milwaukee Famous, not to mention his regular gig in A. Sinclair; he’s rocking two shows a night.  Below we check in with him from the ATL. 

Keep your mind active!

Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes. Babes? Babes.

This tour diary might just start documenting my descent into a blubbering, child-like madness, Flowers for Algernon style.

Enjoy your alone time!

Playing to a near-empty room is an endlessly soul-crushing experience. Imagine that dream you’ve had where you’re naked in front of your coworkers, except now your nudity is emotional, you’re very much awake, and you are 2,000 miles from your home.

What Made Milwaukee Famous has been touring on and off for ten years. This dude at one time commanded crowds of thousands. While this says a lot about the state of today’s industry, it says perhaps more about the state of today’s music fan, myself included.

Honestly, most of the time I can’t even be bothered to go out and see a band, let alone stand in a loud concrete box and watch them play for an hour. I also know I’m not alone. And yet live performance is consistently touted as the future of wage earning musicianship. Maybe it’s just a matter of accepting that we’re all doomed; the only thing that gives me solace at this point is that I’m fairly certain our civilization will have imploded by the time I have to start planning my retirement. Atlanta tonight.

Song in the Van: Tristen – Eager For Your Love


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