Another Soft Track from Angelo de Augustine

Spirals-Of-Silence1-608x608Man. I really have been craving some good soft tunes to ease me into the fall, or lack there of.  This new album from Angelo de Augustine has been doing the trick pretty well, offering up some really incredible tunes.  It’s not necessarily sad bastard music, though there’s an intimacy in the way the music has been recorded that likens Angelo to Elliot Smith (as I’ve mentioned before). You can even hear the buzz on the strings, which is always a favorite touch of mine.  Look for his album Spirals of Silence on November 18th.

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Love = Hunck

hunckReally been stuck in a musical rut.  Feel like the last few things I posted were all up in the same vein; I love that style, but I needed something a little bit different.  For me, this little drifting piece of pop music from Hunck is perfect to help me overcome my blues.  The London band just have this feeling that provides this chilled out warmth; it’s almost exactly what I was looking for.  I say that, and yet I’ll probably post a bunch more rock and roll songs tomorrow.  For now, just let your day wind to a close with this great little number.


Download: Hunck – Something Missing [MP3]

Missed This One: New Tune from Audacity

audacityLast year I was really digging the sounds of Audacity; this was fueled on by a great performance I caught of the band during SXSW.  That being said, I’m surprised I missed a new tune and 7″ announcement from the group, which has been billowing about for a week or two.  The band is one of those that offers up two sides of things, hitting fast and heavy or bringing some pop stylings…this round they’re landing more on the side of fast and heavy, and even a little brash.  I’m game for it all when it comes to this band, so check it out. You can grab the Counting the Days 7″ on December 2nd from Suicide Squeeze.

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Brand New EP from Scooterbabe

scooterEarlier this summer I brought you a discovery, Scooterbabe, who I hit upon by way of looking into Athens Intensified.  The band often get classified as a noisy indiepop act, and that’s definitely present in their sound, though I also hear other elements like Braid or Promise Ring in their newest EP.  If you know me, you know that all those elements are certainly things I’m interested in, so I’m excited to share a tune with you.  I have a sneaking suspicion that there are others who love this sound as much as I do, so head over to the group’s page now and pick up their new EP, along with a great digital booklet.


Download: Scooterbabe – Last Year Was Alright [MP3]

AlternaJam from Broadbay

plasticeneIt’s that time of the month when I bring you something tasty from the dudes at Art is Hard Records. This time around, as they near the wrap-up of this year’s Pizza Singles Series, they bring you a free tune from Broadbay.  The band has a foot that’s planted firmly in the annals of 90s guitar rock, though I won’t be complaining.  There’s some soloing from the guitar, steady vocal delivery, and hook that keeps you coming from more.  Tune in, turn up, and drive fast; you’ll have some fun here.


Download: Broadbay – Plasticine Dream [MP3]

Brand New 7″ from Barreracudas!!!

promiseWhen was the last time we heard from Barreracudas? If I’m looking at my calendar, it’s been several years…that’s far too long.  The Atlanta act has crafted some great hits that all of us here at ATH love, such as “Baby Baby Baby.”  Sounds like the band is up to their catchy power pop hits again, having just announced a brand new 7″ on Oops Baby Records.  One side, however, does offer a more classic power punk sound, like the classic Ramones hits that seemed more built to enthrall arenas than dingy punk clubs (I wasn’t there so I can’t be sure). Anyways, enjoy listening, and pick it up if your soul is so inclined.


Have You Listened to Wedding Dress

wedBeen posting a lot of that rock and roll stuff lately, so it’s nice to have something light-hearted that I think you will all enjoy.  The band’s name is Wedding Dress, and it began as a side-project for Erin Elders, while he had some downtime from his other group, Maps & Atlases. There’s still some quirky song structures in place here, which makes sense considering Elders’ past, but just indulge yourself in some of the melodies that are lurking elsewhere in the song. You can see for yourself when the group releases Desperate Glow on November 18th via Lovitt Records.

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Check Out This Song + Video from Black Lizard

BlackLizard_2014_by_EetuMaaranenWe’ve got a pretty good relationship with the Finnish super-label, Soliti Music; they always give us a heads up when something is happening with their bands.  So, they sent over this great little video from Black Lizard, who are running this beautiful cinematic video to go with their latest single “Turquoise.” This song features on the band’s recent Burning EP, but I think the sound differs a bit from the group’s previous tunes; there’s this underlying beauty that resonates with the emotional textures.  You should check out the group’s video HERE. And then go grab the EP from Soliti!



New Track from Low Culture

ironsheikThere’s no hiding my affinity for all things Marked Men related, but I was really surprised by how undervalued Low Culture were (relative to all other MM spin-offs/relationships).  If you’re smart, you’ll go give a listen to their debut Screens, which is phenomenal.  But, they’ve been hard at work recently, and they’re doing a split EP with friends Iron Chic.  We got a peak at one of their tunes, and it’s exactly what you want from the band…there’s just enough pop and just enough punk to make it into the perfect ear candy. Get your hands on a copy HERE.

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Captured Tracks Signs MOURN

mourn‘Four nerds playing music and shit at the doors of hell.’  That’s right, that’s the band’s self-ascribed motto, which is a pretty bold statement if you’re looking to break into the indie music scene.  It’s even more telling that the band’s made up of a bunch of Spanish teens; that sort of exuberance can’t be captured on tape. Or can it? MOURN have recently signed with Captured Tracks to release their self-titled debut, and only time will tell if they fit into their own self-created mold.  If you listen to the noise they unleash just before the one-minute mark, you might just hear what’s in store down the road. I also suggest going to their bandcamp page for another single that offers a different glimpse of the group.


Download: MOURN – Silver Gold [MP3]

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