Another New Album from No Museums

nomuseumsNo Museums promised us they’d be working on a record or two a year, and they’ve just released the early part of of their 2016 work with Darkening. I’ve spent the past few days digging in before sharing with you, and while I definitely enjoy, it’s hard to pin down an exact track that’s a “single,” though many folks are picking up on “Stationing Out,” which I’ve shared below. It feels like a complete listen to me; it’s one that harkens back to some of the sonic elements of both dream pop and shoegaze, whilst still grounded in an absolute quietness. It’s currently available for NYP, but we always suggest donating to the work of artists. Grab it HERE.

Indiepop from Toy Tambourine

First, this song was suggested to me by Indie Pop Saved My Life, so I take no discovery credit here other than this song is so so great. Toy Tambourine playthe sort of indiepop tunes that I’ve loved for so long, fueled by energetic guitar chords with just the right amount of distortion. The vocals overlap one another seamlessly, providing depth to the overall sound. It’s looking like this song will appear on Indonesian pop label, Shiny Happy Records, which seems like the perfect place for a band such as this. I’m looking forward to hearing more, but for now, do your part and fall in love.

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Fruit Bats Give You Well Crafted Alt-Country

unnamed-33Fruit Batshas long been the project of Eric Johnson, but it has been some time since we’ve heard any new music from the outfit. Today, that changes with the video/song below. It’s a simple track, with clean acoustic guitar lines that meander through the song, giving the song a tone of melancholy, but with an uplifting undercurrent that slowly creeps in. It’s a great bit of alt-country that will provoke repeated listening and excitement for what else Fruit Bats has in store for you.

“Absolute Loser,” is an absolute winner, and is also the title track from the band’s upcoming full length release. It’s out May 15th via Easy Sound Recording Co.


A Little Flamenco Never Hurt Nobody

unnamed-6We keep you pretty well stocked on an endless supply of rad tunes, albeit those that normally lean toward the indie rock/alternative/punk/folk genres. Today, I’m going to mix it up a little bit and make you broaden your horizons with this track, “Roco y Corrales (Por Sevillanas).” This song, by father and son duo, Pedro Soler and Gaspar Claus, is a dark swirl of celloand acoustic guitar, appealing to traditional flamenco music, but holding you enraptured with its instrumental storytelling. You hear a lot of the same-old, same-old, so why not branch out and take a listen to this excellent track? If you like it, they’ve got a new album coming out on May 13th called Al Viento, which will be released via InFin.


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More Music from Hovvdy

hovvdyHovvdy seems to be one of the hottest tickets in the Austin market right now…as far as bands on the smaller scale of the world go. This song “Meg” is their second single from their forthcoming album, Taster. I think I might actually like this one a bit more than the first; it has the lo-fidelity approach that allows the earnestness of the band to breakthrough your speakers. It’s the trickling bit of pop that got really had me hooked on music in the late 90s. Look for the new tunes on April 15th via Merdurhaus/Sports Day.

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SxSW 2016: ATX Showdown @ Hotel Vegas

Big BillLet’s get the artist notes and pics kicked off with our first party of the week. It was an all day affair, oh the huge manatees. So many great locals with some true talent from overseas. We were thrilled to get this SxSW started with so many friends. If you were there, you have probably told your friends about how rad the night was. I mean, Bushwick Bill was there to hang with the locals and talk about the biz. Only South By…

Click through for some thoughts from the team and plenty of pics…

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Yes! More Kevin Morby!

unnamed-32If you haven’t taken the time to familiarize yourself with Kevin Morby yet, it’s really time for you to sit on down and take a listen, as his entrancing brand of rock will have you swooning. The latest track/video he has released is “Dorothy,” which you can take in below, and it’s a blazing dose of americana influenced rock and roll. What I’m most fond of on this number is the way the unique vocals of Morby are both mirrored and complimented by the instrumentation. You get the fuzzy guitars that blend with his voice, and then that ragtime piano that comes and goes through the mix, juxtaposing with the buzzing main focus of the song. Take a listen and watch the video below, and buckle up forSinging Saw, which is out on April 15th viaDead Oceans.



Pleased to Meet You: E’Spaniel

10678614_1518317681738982_4339718075869743352_nFelt like a lot of the tunes were running in the same musical style this week, so I reached out into the depths of the Internet to find E’Spaniel. The guitar hook on this single immediately caught me, reminding me a great deal of our ATH act, Young Girls. It’s jangling and grooving, yet there’s a nice rounded softness on the vocals that brings in a different element to the group’s work. This is the band’s latest work, but now that I’m in love with their sound, I’ll be keeping an eye on them to bring you news going forward.

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New Snake Snake Snakes is Hot

snakesWhen I was reading up on Snake Snake Snakes, it didn’t surprise me that the band hails from Arizona. While Harlem/Grape St. get their history in Austin, there are roots in Arizona, and this seems like the sort of thing they started. You’ll hear hooks for sure, but it all has that exuberant indifference to modern tropes, crafting a nice bit of garage rock for you to blast loudly over your speakers. They even throw in some tempo changes throughout to mix it up for your ears. The band releases Tranquilo on April 15th via Common Wall.

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Listen to Lost Film

lostfilmLost Film is part of the rolling machine that is The Native Sound. The label’s got some good stuff coming out lately, and this is just another one of those that I think will get at you. You’ll find that the majority of the song can easily fall under the category of casual pop, relaxed and steady, working around central melodies. But, there are a few moments when the guitars swell into your ears, then settling back into it’s steady brood. This track will appear on a brand new 7″ that was recorded at Converse Rubber Tracks in Boston; it’sup for pre-order HERE.

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