You Should Check Out Big Baby
Right around this time last year I shared some news about indie pop masters Young Scum from Richmond, VA. Since then, I’ve heard very little from the band, and assumed maybe they had called it quits. As it turns out, not to be so, as the guys reformed under the new name Big Baby. Their new project already has an albums worth of material and they sent me over an exclusive preview via recently released single “Not That”. Once again we are treated to some of the most delightful and memorable indie pop currently being released. If you dig it, new album Sour Patch is currently available on their bandcamp page.
[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=250339158 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3836570390]
Hey! Thanks for the write up! Just to be clear Young Scum is still alive and well! Big Baby is brian chris and Ali’s other band!!