Monnone Alone Announces Brand New 7″

It doesn’t seem like Summer of the Mosquito was released almost 2 years ago! Alas, Mark Monnone, formerly of the Lucksmiths, is at it again with a brand new 7″ under his Monnone Alone moniker, and hinting at an LP later in the year! Feuding guitar sounds open the tune, one bringing in fuzzy edges and the other a light-hearted beach stomp, giving off this sort of bewildering pop sensibility. And, while I love the steadfast pop quality, I think the true winner here is Mark’s vocal performance; he doesn’t seem to miss a note, almost as if he’s singing at some beachside lounge resort, making all the kids scream and swing about as they spill their Mai-Tais in the sand. You want to take a bite out of some truly great pop music? Then give this one about 12-13 spins; I know I certainly have. Like the Beach Boys, but honestly, better. The 7″ is out at the end of March via Lost and Lonesome/Emotional Response/Meritorio/Royal Mint. Here I go skipping down the hallways of our school screaming and bouncing “I’m going to lose my mind!”

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