Lachlan and Snowy Release Phone In

I’ve no qualms stating that anything loosely affiliated with the Ocean Party will likely get space on our site, but even more so if its got great songs, like the latest release from Lachlan & Snowy (now of Pop Filter, among others). In fact, Lachlan reached out to let me know the project began as sort of a joke, but when you’ve got two great songwriters and friends, its hard to keep great music buried. There’s maybe a few tunes lurking in here that you could maybe forgive for being playful recording banter, but even then, you’re not going to find many songs better than “Blame it on the Seasons” or “Triple End; I just don’t know how you call either of those tunes ‘jokes” in the grand scheme of things. Honestly, one of those tunes might be one of my favorite of the week! Go ahead and find yourself falling in love with two great friends writing music together. Stream Phone In below:

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