RF Shannon Share Dublin Texas Video

It’s been a few years since RF Shannon last graced us with a full length, and it looks like we’ll have to wait as the band are in the studio putting on finishing touches to the follow up to the excellent Rain on Dust. But, they’ve tossed out this new single to tide us over in the meantime, a brilliant mix between sea shanty and smoky barnstormer. Despite Shane Renfro’s tumbleweed-like voice rolling across the song’s horizon, there are a few moments when the spirit shines through like at the 1:38 mark where you get this slight chill running up your spine. Another striking entry into the band’s catalog, and just enough brilliance to hold us over ’til the new LP is ready. Oh, and hats off to Jordan Moser for the direction on the video, which features some really great visual images spliced with live band footage; the track appears courtesy of Keeled Scales.


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