Dippers Announce Clastic Rock + Share Tightening the Tangles

After switching their name up from Thigh Master to Dippers, the band helmed by Matthew Ford have really upped their productivity. An eponymous EP dropped in late last year, but now we’ve got news of a fresh LP, Clastic Rock. With that, we get a slew of sharp guitar work hitting your speakers from the get-go; it’s almost as if they aim to knife through, hitting with such rapidity that things almost feel more buzzsaw than angular. When you hit the chorus, it almost subtly passes you by, as Ford’s vocal maneuvering hides the hints of structural song changes. Plus, the group are about to make their way to the States for a mini-tour and SXSW, so keep your eyes out! If you’re into buying great music, then be sure to grab Clastic Rock from Tenth Court/Goner Records on June 23rd.

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