Beach Fossils Share Dare Me Video
With their first single from Bunny, Beach Fossils seemed to have picked up right where they left off on their last LP. But, now that we’ve got the second single, it appears as if they’r painting with more of a broad pop paint brush. Honestly, (and I mean this in the absolute best way) the song sounds a bit like Beach Fossils went down a deep Photo Album era Death Cab listening trance whilst recording this record. That chorus feels exactly like the early Ben Gibbard days when you just couldn’t get those songs out of your head, only this time it’s done with just a bit more of that angular vibe Beach Fossils bring to their own craft. There’s more warmth here, even in the drum work, so everything feels aligned to this huge pop stance. I’m excited to hear where songs like this fit into Bunny; it drops via Bayonet on June 2nd.