Levitation Interviews: Pissed Jeans

Wow, hard to believe that we are already about to roll into November and it is once again time for Levitation Festival in Austin. Now this crew stands with the opinion that this is the best fest in town as we love the peeps who put it on, dig the venues, and generally vibe with the bands on the bill. This year is no different as our hype builds and things look to set off in downtown next week. We would of course fail at life if we didn’t try to prep you in some way so a few Levitation “Getting to Know You” interviews seems like a fitting kick off. Also more fitting, is getting to jumpstart this thing with one of my top bands of the entire weekend – Pissed Jeans. Hit the jump for band insights, tunes and set times.

All responses come from lead vocalist Matt Korvette.

ATH: What’s the name of the band/group? Where are you from?

MK: We are called Pissed Jeans, and we’re from Philadelphia, PA.

ATH: Describe your group’s sound to a new fan using only adjectives.

MK: Crazy, sexy, cool… okay, maybe not crazy. Just sexy and cool.

ATH: What was your most recent release? Any planned releases for 2024/2025? Where can we get our hands on a new release?

MK: We released our sixth and best album earlier this year! It’s called Half Divorced, and it’s available wherever fine Sub Pop products are sold.

ATH: We’ve got a great lineup in town for the weekend. Anyone you are trying to see?

MK: Gonna check out the other bands we’re playing with for sure! Pretty excited to see Special Interest, who I’ve heard are fantastic live. I was gonna bring my black PVC catsuit for the gig, but I think they’ve got it covered.

ATH: If you could put on your own one day festival with say 5-10 bands (up to you) who would be on this bill? You may travel through time and use artists who are alive or dead or on hiatus… you get me. Where would this awesome concert be?

MK: Are you offering?? Do you know how to do this??? If so, I would ask Cap’n Jazz, The Dismemberment Plan, Sunny Day Real Estate, American Football and The Get Up Kids. I would call it something dope like “Best Friends Forever Fest” and probably throw it in Las Vegas, because why not? I make the rules!

ATH: We always like to hear about what bands are listening to in their van/bus on tour. What are you guys spinning? How long does each member get to play DJ?

MK: We tried listening to podcasts in the van together for the first time last month and it just didn’t work out. So we listened to the Meatmen’s ‘Rock n Roll Juggernaut’ album, which was absolutely terrible, and then the Velvet Revolver albums, which were honestly way better than we expected.

ATH: The band gets to create their own taco pop-up shop at Levitation! What’s the name, and what sort of tacos will you have? Any sides?

MK: If I shared an incredible startup business plan now, how do I know you wouldn’t steal it? We already work day-jobs, the idea of having to serve tacos in a cramped environment to a bunch of hungry drunks sounds like precisely what we tried to avoid by starting a band! But anyway guac would be free.

Thanks again Matt for speaking with us!

Pissed Jeans are part of a loaded Friday night (11.1) lineup at Far Out Lounge. See the full buy and maybe buy you some tickets here.

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