New Jam from Prism Shores

We’ve been hyping up the Prism Shores a lot the last few weeks, looking ahead to cranking up the noise on Out from Underneath, listening as the band bounce back and forth between pop sensibilities and rambunctious noise. This new single enters with a pop, only to be greeted by a wave of noise; that doesn’t last long, however, as the group peel that back to offer the infectious side of their sound, working dueling melodies to the front of the mix. Honestly, their consistency in the vocal work is one of the charms of this track, though I’m also enjoying the overall propulsive energy it brings out. If you don’t have Out from Underneath on your radar, pencil it in for its January 17th release date via Meritorio Records.

Mt Fog Share Soft Center Video

If you’re looking for a true immersive album, might I suggest you indulge yourself by finding a quiet space, perhaps near a window, then turning on Mt. Fog‘s Ultraviolet Heart Machine. The record deals a lot with personal transformation, accepting the loss of self (whether that’s with a partner or one’s self); you’ll hear that nod in the refrain of “Soft Center,” offering the line “someone I don’t know.” Hold onto that as you watch the video directed by Clyde Petersen, who used lighting to isolate the band individually, then layering bits of the natural world atop instruments and backgrounds to tie the group to the natural world, which is always a thematic element in the group’s work. Musically, there’s this bubbling lifeforce, carefully crafted by the rhythmic section in the tune, allowing for Carolyn B.’s voice to shine and dance in the shadows of the tune. Brilliant track with a brilliant video fresh for your eyes! Grab one of the last copies of their LP while you can!

Charm School Share Happines is a Warm Sun

It’s hard to believe that we’re already looking at next year’s new releases, but one of the things I’ve got penciled in for cranking up is the next LP from Charm School. There’s something about it that reminds me of Dry Cleaning, particularly in the way they tether themselves to a central groove, then ride it out in a punky fashion. Unlike a lot of their peers, this groove rocks for a solid 7 plus minutes, taking that energy and consistently churning it over and over whilst delivering the vocals in a rock-steady fashion. Their new LP, Debt Forever, is out on January 24th.

The Heart of the Sun Share So Many Secrets to Reveal

While we’re overly consumed by our lists in the States, things seem to carry on as usual over in Sweden where The Heart of the Sun has just shared another entrancing electronic number. When I first clicked on the jam, I fully expected it to dive into a traditional post-punk trope, but it avoids that, moving into a more atmospheric wash of industrial-tinged electro-pop. Vocals are mostly operating as samples, so you’ve really got to immerse yourself in the pulse of the tune, and as it unfolds you get to soak up a little bit of the beat and indulge in your pop tendencies.

Sleeper’s Bell Share Bored

You’ve got to find a quiet place to listen to this new track from Sleeper’s Bell; it’s the sort of bedroom pop that begs you to immerse yourself in the craft, relishing in your own solitude. Blaine Teppema has some sonic similarities to labelmate Packs, though there’s some more careful study of melody in a lot of the nooks and crannies of the tune itself, allowing for nuanced strokes to layer on texture. I love the sweeping string pieces that cruise across the tune, pulling on your emotions as only a proper tune can. Look for Clover on Februrary 7th via Angel Tapes/Fire Talk.

Top Albums of 2024…According to Nathan

I love to wrap up the year later than most, mostly because my real job always has me swimming against the current. But, nonetheless, I’ve got a solid list of the records I loved this year…and you’ll notice a lot of the same stuff as my peers, with maybe a few tweaks here and there to throw my own flare into it. Not really sure how to write an intro into something that seems so opinion-based, so here’s the list of records you should already have purchased if you come to this site frequently!

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Vulture Feather Announce It Will Be Like Now

Not quite sure how they manage to do it, but Vulture Feather have crafted a tune that feels anthemic, yet isn’t; it’s a magnetic tune that utilizes a propulsive groove and clanging guitar to set up a pattern that has me hooked. The throaty vocals have this distinctive tone that feels like a passionate call to arms, so to speak, reminiscent of some early 00s indie rock. It’s a solid bit of clanging rock n’ roll, rhythmically pulling you into their current if you crank that volume to the max, so you should be prepared for It Will Be Like Now, which drops on February 14th.

Ton Share Movement Single

When I heard the opening guitar lines of this single from Berlin’s Ton, you better believe I had some nostalgic connections to their sound; it should feel obvious that they’re pulling from the past of post-punk classic. That said, the band offered a different presentation in the vocals, which while still stylistically in the same vein, maybe had more of a punk ethos than anything, embracing a bit of cocky indifference to the audience. Then, like the old school bands of yore, they twist the song, break it down, pop in briefly, then recede to lock into the groove, only to pop back in with a sense of ownership that should have you intrigued. Be on the lookout for the group’s Room EP, out this February.

Club 8 Release New Album

I had a sneaking suspicion that this was coming: Club 8 release A Year with Club 8 today! We’ve been here all along the way, watching the band drop catchy single after pop gem, much like their fellow Swedes Red Sleeping Beauty. Today, they drop their final installment by putting it all together. You’ll find energetic bouncers like “Free Falling” or “Something’s Wrong in My Head,” but you can also uncover some more pensive pieces like “Closer to You” or “Nervous at Heart,” both which carry a gentle smoky pop engagement that is absolutely delightful. You’ve hopefully been listening all along, but if not, be sure to get yourself into the joy of the world by listening to A Year with Club 8.

Pink Chameleons Share Sunshine Honey

When I put on this new single from Pink Chameleons, I immediately fawned; it’s the same sort of pastoral psychedelia that got me excited to work with our own Fantastic Purple Spots. This new single is brimming with brightness, playing upon the song’s title by showering you with warmth, letting the honey and the song’s underbelly keep you stuck in the mix. I was really drawn to the twist of the jangles until my ears adjusted and began to hear the nuanced little vocal textures working beneath, and it began to turn the song into this mysterious joy I wanted to play again and again. This track will feature on the group’s new Harmony LP, out on January 31st via Soliti Music.

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