Pretty Lightning Return with Glade Runner

We’re getting down to the end of the year folks and it seems like most sites are focused on top songs, lists and year end wrap ups. While we may or may not get there at some point, we’ve still got new tunes coming in for top 2024 contention just before the year end break. My old German pals from Pretty Lightning just shared new track “Glade Runner” and it’s definitely trying to sneak it’s way into my year end list. It features that downright nasty version of psych laden blues I’ve grown to love about the band’s sound over the years. Dig it.

Pretty Lightning will release this track as part of a new album entitled Night Wobble which is due out February 21st.

Heavy New Tune From Open Head

The self-proclaimed heaviest band in Kingston, NY, Open Head, just shared this banging new track called “NY Frills” and I have deemed it worthy to share with you all. You’ll find a heavy post-punk, dark sort of vibe to the track perfect for fans of modern bands like Deeper. It’s a tad noisy with just enough rock n roll to keep it fresh and interesting. Check it out below.

Open Head will release this track as part of a new album entitled What Is Success due out January 24th via Wharf Cat Records. Pre-orders are live now.

Friday Album Streams – 11.15.24

Well it’s Friday and we all made it through our first full week of the new reality we are currently faced with. Should be fun times ahead! Right? Right!? To save us all from the doom and gloom, tons of great albums are dropping today and we thought it’d be cool to give you some streams and links all in one place. Hopefully you can find something to take with you for the weekend, and of course, please make a purchase in some way if the tunes are in your lane. Check ’em all out after the jump:

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Premiere: Sunnsetter Give Us One More Banger

It seems to be a year where myself and Ontario based songwriter Andrew McLeod are in perfect alignment with the musical vibes we need for comfort at the moment. McLeod has been dropping hit after hit this year under his recording project Sunnsetter, and right before the release date on Friday, we have been treated to another banger. This one has a touch more of an overall electronic feeling to it with a droning beat and a swirling, distorted guitar to balance everything out. Seriously, if you haven’t yet made a pre-order for the new album, Heaven Hang Over Me, go ahead and do it now before the release date tomorrow. Paper Bag Records has a variety of fancy ordering options.

Peaer Shares Just Because

It’s been a hot second since we last heard from NYC based Peaer. Since the stellar album A Healthy Earth back in 2019, the band has been relatively quiet with sparse live shows and few updates. After the lull, you can imagine one fan boys excitement when news came in this morning of a fresh single called “Just Because” with the promise of some live dates as well. The ATH crew is always down for this new wave of post-emo, intricate instrumentation type of vibes, so you had to know we’d share this one today.

Stay tuned for more from Peaer in 2025. “Just Because” is available below or via all streaming platforms.

Stream New Track From Lots of Hands

Been a bit of a slow come up for me as we start to really deal with the aftermath of last week. Somewhat somber, sort of slow, maybe still in a slight haze all over. This new track from Newcastle based lots of hands matches that hazy feeling many of us are experiencing with this new joint “backseat 30.” It plays nicely between a twangy banjo and some electronic stylings, paired with hushed, and intimate vocals. Seemingly a perfect tune to chill out for the rest of your day.

lots of hands will release a new album entitled into a pretty room on January 17th via Fire Talk. Pre-orders are live now.

Levitation Interviews: Hello Mary

Unless you are living under some sort of large rock, you should be fully aware that Levitation Festival started last night in the ATX. We saw many of you out and about and look forward to more moments of tunes and fun as the weekend progresses. If you’re still looking for some recommendation this weekend, we’ve got one last getting to know you interview from Brooklyn based Hello Mary. Be sure to hit the jump for interview, tunes, and set times.

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Stream New Album From Sam Blasucci

Like most Fridays, lots of great albums are dropping today, but I’d like to point your attention to the new one from L.A. based musician Sam Blasucci. Now I’ve previously shared his stunning tune “Witching Hour” so you should be familiar with the general sound. Expanding on that track, Blasucci has an expansive, fourteen track album highlighting his skill at creating alternative pop tunes. He flows between twangy alt-country, 60s lounge, and a wealth of other styles and genres. Check out Real Life Thing in full below and enjoy the adventure.

Of course if you’re feeling the album, consider a purchase. It comes through a joint release from Calico Discos and Innovative Leisure.

Another Jam From Heart To Gold

If you are not yet listening to the new music from Minneapolis based Heart to Gold, what are you even doing with your life? The lads have really nailed this whole power pop-rock revival with loads of energy soaked tunes, all at a blistering pace. This new track “Blow Up the Spot” continues the band’s efforts to go at full, breakneck speed with no sense of slowing down. Check it out below and also listen to the previously shared “TNT” if you’re still in the dark.

This track is part of the new Heart to Gold album entitled Free Help due out November 15th via Memory Music. Pre-orders are live now.

Levitation Interviews: Strange Lot

Levitation Festival kicks off on Thursday here in Austin with a great lineup of bands coming into town for shows going down all over downtown. It should be another good time to catch up with some old palls while hopping between venues near and around Red River. As things are now just a few days away, we’ll try to sneak in a couple more of these interviews before you head out the door. Today we are pleased to share with you another set of getting to know you questions from our local pals Strange Lot. Hit the jump for more.

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