Mas Musica de Pure X

artworks-000040620860-sbur4m-t500x500Personally, I’m really excited about the upcoming effort from Pure X, Crawling Up the Stairs.  While I really enjoyed their last effort, I’m thinking they might be mixing things up a bit, expanding their sound.  If you listen to this new single, you’ll definitely have to agree, as the vocals alone indicate a larger focus on that aspect; I felt like it was used as an instrument the last go round.  Still, it’s got this drifting quality that enchants listeners, though that’s juxtaposed to the gruff quality on some of the vocal delivery, which might be off-putting (even grating), depending upon who you ask.  All in all, this new single indicates a band refining and expanding their sound; on May 14th we’ll all get a chance to hear the full collection of tunes.


Download: Pure X – Someone Else [MP3]

Carnival Pop from Heavy Hawaii

Heavy-Hawaii_2013-675x429I honestly have no idea what to expect when Goosebumps, the debut from Heavy Hawaii comes out in stores in a few weeks.  Their first single, which we showed a few weeks ago was warmly draped in bright guitars, but this time around, that seems to be the last thing on the group’s mind.  Instead, they’ve got this odd pop plodder, that opens with playful circus-esque sounds…they pop in and out of the track.  It definitely serves as an interesting approach, though the group continues to use their same vocal approach.  It may be different, but it’s just as good, if not better, as their first single.

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Country-fied Gem from Will Courtney

will-courtney_cover-thumbIf you’ve been around the Austin music scene for awhile, then you surely heard about Brothers and Sisters, which featured Will Courtney.  The group decided to call it quits, forcing Will to go out and discover his own sound.  Based on this single, it’s going to be a folk-influenced record from a rambling man; this song features steady strumming from an acoustic guitar with careful instrumentation being used for accompaniment.  I’m really looking forward to how the rest of the record comes together; the title is A Century Behind, and it will be in your local record stores on April 22nd.


Download: Will Courtney – There’s No Answer [MP3]

SxSW 2013: Panels and Interviews

One aspect that gets lost in all of the day party RSVP anxiety is the ability for peeps registered with the conference to attend panels and interviews at the Convention Center. This year, there were four participants high on my list: Rachel Maddow, Danny Boyle, Depeche Mode and Dr. Steve Weinberg. That last guy you may not have heard of before, but he is a legend in physics. I am a nerd.

Thought I would share some thoughts about each session and share a few pics.

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Jamming Out with GRMLN

1840We’ve written about GRMLN before, but I’m even more excited about the band after hearing this latest track.  It’s a lot more upbeat and in your face, with an edgy guitar kicking off right from the start.  The vocals have this bit of power-pop delivery while the drums pound in the background; there’s even a riotous breakdown at the end of the tune. If you’re in need of a record you can just blast as the wind blows your hair back, then you’re going to want to get your hands on Empire when it is released by Carpark Records on June 4th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Don’t You Just Love Kurt Vile

dse_9896webI just absolutely love Kurt Vile.  While some artists I adore seem to be hit or miss, this guy just doesn’t ever seem to write a bad song, let alone a mediocre one.  His latest single features those smoky vocals and light guitar sound, occasionally stopping for some careful strumming moments; I even like the stuttering vocal of “away-ay-ay-ay” that he throws in there.  His new record, Walking on a Pretty Daze, will be released on April 9th via Matador Records, and I guarantee that it’s not going to get a bad review from anyone, unless they’re crazy folks.


Download: Kurt Vile – Never Run Away [MP3]

More New Music from Velcro

30916641-1I love bands who work hard to perfect their sound.  In doing so, that usually benefits us, as we get song after song of a band making their way in the musical world.  One of my favorite acts working their way up the ladder is Velcro.  It seems like they’ve always got a tune to release, and I think “Bottle Shop” really finds the band making their home.  The pace of the track is slow, with Curtis taking the stage early with his vocals being placed atop gently progressing guitar chords.  Then a female counterpart softly joins him just before the track fades out.  If you love what these guys are doing, and I do, then keep an eye out as they’ll have a new full-length coming to you later this year.


Download: Velcro – Bottle Shop [MP3]

Quiet Track from White Woods

White Woods Big Talking Corner Town 7"I first discovered the work of White Woods when The Coathangers announced that their singer Julia would be doing a little side project.  I loved the first 7″ that came out, and this new one is even more beautiful, demonstrating how far she can step away from her garage rock mainstay.  It’s such a peaceful track, with Julia’s voice carefully laid atop the quiet instrumentation.  If you’re familiar with her main project, you’ll be amazed at such a stark contrast.  The new 7″ is up for pre-order now from Suicide Squeeze Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Sonny Smith Keeps Trucking with New Sonny & the Sunsets Tune

1838I don’t think anyone in the world works as hard as Sonny Smith, except for maybe Ty Segall.  It seems like Sonny always has something in the works, be it his solo work or his band Sonny & the Sunsets.  He just released a new single that will be featured on his upcoming effort with his band; the record is called Antenna to the Afterworld and will be released by Polyvinyl Records on June 11th.  Interestingly, this song has less of a folk feel, changing it for that current Cali guitar sound that you find in many of the modern acts from the state (many of whom Sonny has worked with).  I’m interested to see how the whole record comes together, especially if he’s mixing things up.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

SxSW 2013 Pics: Iggy and The Stooges @ The Mohawk

My SxSW overload begins with a show that happened at my favorite venue, The Mohawk. It was a limited entry kind of deal, badge and wristband only, no wristbands even got in – Iggy Pop and the Stooges with Japandroids.

I had requested access to the NPR showcase featuring Nick Cave and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. To think, SxSW has become the kind of event where seeing Iggy in a thousand person venue is a backup plan? Odd.

Read on for thoughts and pics…

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