The Tubs Share Chain Reaction

Since my earliest days as a music listener, I’ve been drawn towards distinctive voices; the sort that stand in your mind, yet refuse to be replicated. Owen ‘O’ Williams voice is one such instance, and here he’s running up and down the gambit, racing to keep pace with the furious punk grind of the guitars. Then, he shucks the chains of keeping pace to work his own melodic focus into the feverish push of his bandmates. You can probably make some comparisons to Royal Headache, particularly when the song opens, but the Tubs have completely built their own sound, and we can’t wait until Cotton Crown drops on March 7th via Trouble in Mind Records.

Horsegirl’s Frontrunner Video

Hopefully you got wind of the latest Horsegirl single yesterday when all the big sites hit us with it, but admittedly, I’m in love with this record, and am just going to post every track that I can. This one peels back some of the energy of their earlier singles from Phonetics On and On, but it also illustrates that they’ve mastered simplicity in every corner of the album, as even more intimate songs offer up layers of brilliance you won’t be able to escape. If you haven’t already gotten on the Horsegirl train, do so before the new record drops this Friday via Matador Records.

Amy Millan Announces I Went to Find You

Stars and Broken Social Scene play a huge role in the Lankford household, so seeing that there’s new music from Amy Millan is always going to pique my interest. Her new single offers up a maturity and elegance that’s always been lurking, but to hear it now, decades removed from when I first heard Milan’s work, it has this sensational warmth to it; it’s almost like poolside slow jams, albeit one sung by a voice so familiar it puts your heart/mind at ease. She’s also focusing on acceptance that comes with age and understanding, saying she’s learned to “embrace the difficult bits, the footprint that made me what I am.” Life lessons and musical eloquence? I’m in. I Went to Find You is out May 30th.

Chest Spill Blood On Your Doorstep

As rain pours down outside the windows here, I’m drawn to this new chest. single, a track that offers up a sonic sense of impending doom. They’re spitting out post-punk in the fashion that we’ve all been drawn towards the last few years, though there’s a bit more anger in the musical element, as the guitars feel more enraged as they ring out through my speakers. Lyrically, the message is striking, particularly as my government dismantles aid and programs of humanity; it’s all about the distance growing between rich and poor and how we’ve normalized those conditions. If you’re into it, the group drop All Good Things Ends on February 28th via Howlin Banana.

Join Announces Debut LP for Keeled Scales

Our good buddy Tony over at Keeled Scales has a great ear for bringing new voices to the masses, and that’s what I’m expecting from Joni when her Things I Left Behind album is released this Spring. Today, you get the title track of said album, and there’s some balancing of tonal notes that make the sound subtly striking. A snappy percussive element is working beneath the entire time, so you get some natural movement propelling the pace. But, more importantly is the way the guitar embraces a heavy vibe, and by that, I mean just the weight of the notes (it’s not metal, folks!). This contrasts perfectly with the way vocals come across like little intimate whispers shared partners. Look for Things I Left Behind on April 11th; it’s being released by Hand in Hive in the UK.

Consumables Share Title Track from Infinite Games

If you’re looking for a rad new sound to file in your post-punk catalogue, please consider adding Brooklyn’s Consumables to the list here. When I went through on first listen, there’s definitely some similarities to neighbors like Parquet Courts, though this presentation feels less frantic, withholding some of the over the top antics in favor to let the song sort of ebb and flow across your speakers. In creating this approach, the group seem to look towards the more exploratory strategies of later Wire records, turning jagged edges into dreamy swirls. They’ll be releasing their Infinite Games LP on We Are Time on March 7th.

Helena Deland Returns with Altogether Unaccompanied Vol V

Over the last few years, Helena Deland has sprinkled our worlds with snippets of tunes that would or wouldn’t be released unto the masses. These are not throwaway tracks, but rather songs that perhaps didn’t fit into the narrative arc or storytelling of whichever album Deland was working with…and today, we get Altogether Unaccompanied Vol. V. On the first of the tunes, I’m drawn to the hum of the microphone; it pushes that vibe of which can only be shared between an artist and a listener, a moment almost too fragile. On the flip side, you get a little bit of the whimsy playfulness embedded in a dreamy folk aesthetic, which is one of the many charms of Helena’s craft. She’ll also be jumping overseas for a handful of UK dates in March, so if you’re in that neck of the woods…keep yer eyes peeled.

Broncho Share Funny Video + Announce Natural Pleasure

Broncho has been away for a few years, and while that may have temporary halted their continuous rise as indie rock stars, the announcement today of Natural Pleasure should very much put them back in the limelight. This tune below feels very Oklahoma to me, and I’m not sure Ryan would see it this way, but the first 20 seconds of this track feels like an homage to Colourmusic, working in a cyclical hook that comes and comes and comes. It opens the tune into this sort of hazy wash of bouncing grooves, bubbling and popping in all the right spots. The way the rhythm section grooves and turns throughout keeps the song moving, though the twist and curl of the vocals you in this dream state. Wonderful to have the band back, and their new LP will be out April 25th.

Jetstream Pony Announce Bowerbirds and Blue Things

I slacked off a little on Friday, but one of the jams that I absolutely had to cover to make up for it was the album announcement of Jetstream Pony. They announced Bowerbirds and Blue Things last Friday, and from the first single, it has absolutely everything you’d expect or want: the guitars have a distorted ring to them, on the cusp of jangling but with more bite; the vocals are sweet and melodic, with accented backing vocals building depth in all the right spots; there’s a breakdown to give you the slightest mid-tune left turn. Dropping a tune like this sets a statement that the entirety of the LP is going to be nothing short of pure pop bliss. You can get the new LP from Shelflife/Spinout Nuggets on March 28th.

Myriads Share Spider Single

Having begun as a mostly solo project, Maria DeHart’s Myriads now seems bigger than its early bedroom beginnings. But, while the sound of the latest single feels huge, in terms of effort, it doesn’t lose the sincerity in the way her craft works. Moments throughout tend to get punched up and aggressive, only to pull things back in and provide a little bit of softer intimacy to the listener. It’s a balancing act, but one that certainly illustrates the growth of her songwriting, as well as hints at where her new EP is headed; Find Ourselves again is scheduled for release this Spring.

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