New Music from Amor de Dias

The Love of Days you say? Well, I’ll say that for today, and probably for a few more that follow, this new track from Amor de Dias is absolutely winning my heart.  You can give me anything with the voice of Alisdair MacLean, and I’m probably going to fawn over it.  My impression is that Alisdair and his collaborator, Lupe, have finally hit their stride.  The backing vocals jumping in and out are so affecting that I’d have a difficult time ever dismissing this track.  I’m sure the new record, House at Sea, aims to be a remarkable listen, which can be all yours from the good folks over at Merge Records on January 29th.


Download:Amor De Dias – Jean’s Waving [MP3]

New Song from Amor de Dias

For those of you that were super worried that Alasdair Maclean of The Clientele was on his way out from writing music, well, think again.  Alasdair has teamed up with Lupe Nunez-Fernandez of Pipas to form a new group titled Amor de Dias, or Love of Days, if you will.  The group will be releasing their debut, Street of the Love of Days on May 17th via Merge Records.  Listening to this first track, you’ll notice a slightly more upbeat affair, though I will admittedly say that I hope to hear Alasdair’s voice on the final product, though Lupe sounds quite enticing here as well. Just another thing to be grateful for in 2011.


Download: Amor de Dias – Bunhill Fields [MP3]