The Ballet Share At the Bathhouse Video

You should already have the Ballet‘s Daddy Issues on your playlist, as its one of the hit pop records to have dropped this year, particularly if you imagine yourself as a fan of heavy synth pop. But, if not, we’ve got you covered, as they just dropped a fresh video for their standout single “At the Bathouse.” For me, and I’m sure Greg’s probably tired of the likeness being thrown out there, but this does feel like an early Magnetic Fields tune, albeit one dripping with hooks. That euphoria translates to the choreography created by Emmy-winner Al Blackstone, providing a voyeuristic approach to a bathhouse. But, in that Greg sees the song as detailing bathhouses as places that “can feel serious but also playful.” And in the end, the dancing alone might let you find yourself a home. So be it the groove or the video, be sure to check out Daddy Issues, available now via Fika Recordings.


The Ballet Announce Daddy Issues; Share At the Bathhouse

I definitely can see where the comparisons with Stephin Merritt pop in when you listen to the Ballet, though I think that mostly revolves around some of the sexual themes and literary writing. For me, I think Greg Goldberg pulls on a slightly different hat though, with a much more electronic focus on the latest single. In listening here, there’s a definite bounce, perhaps a nod to acts like New Order, albeit spun through the lens of Goldberg and his writing partner Willse. They’ll be dropping their Daddy Issues on May 26th, courtesy of Fika Recordings.

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