Nite Share A New Video

Good timing, some easy promo for the big party on Sunday. #ATHvsSOTO

This isn’t so much a music video as it is a short film that tries to capture everything ’80s. Obviously Stranger Things stoked nostalgia for my formative years with music. I lived through Beta vs. VHS, crimped hair, the dawn of synth and Saint Reagan’s reign. I also lived through The Cure’s first records, the greatest year in pop music which we all know is 1984 and all of those new genres that haven’t disappeared.

Nite certainly presses my nostalgia buttons, but their is great songcraft lurking. You can listen to this jam below for your convenience, but by all means, click through for the short film that features Family Ties, mutants, teen mags and so-that-is-what-the-kids-are-listening-to jokes.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2260600507 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3506363193]

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SxSW 2017: ATH vs SOTO Party Pics

Who is ready to relive the greatest day of music ever assembled by John Laird and Nathan Lankford? Ever.

The jams were copious as were the tender moments. The showcase highlighted the talent in Austin with bands watching bands that shuffled up to be other bands. We had international celebrities in attendance, as well as every familiar face possible. I took photos, some with an Instax. We ate sausage wraps and drank beaverages. It was perfect air for a whisky.

Click through and be impressed.

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