Dean Wareham Shares That’s the Price of Loving Me

Around my house, there’s been a lot of hubbub over Dean Wareham; my wife and I are fighting over who gets to watch the kids while one of us goes and watches Dean do a Galaxie 500 set. But, today, let’s turn our attention to his current endeavor, his new solo LP. While Wareham’s voice always has power over me, the drums on this single are what I keep shuffling back to; they’re offering up a simple gallop, and in that, they also seem to throw in a little bit of a tropicalia influence. Textured string arrangements further the depth, with the guitar working in between the vocal stabs, with the whole of the song taking on this ethereal plot twist that you’ll adore. That’s the Price of Loving Me is out on March 28th via Carpark.

Dean Wareham Announces That’s the Price of Loving Me

Just as I was sliding through my emails, I remembered that today is a day to celebrate, as Dean Wareham announces That’s the Price of Loving Me, his newest solo outing. This album’s production was handled by Kramer, which is the first time the two have worked together in over 30 years, at least in the recording capacity. Still, Dean’s approach is a far cry from the early days of Galaxie 500, taking on more of a psychedelic pop note this go round; the vocals almost feel like blossoming flowers, blooming behind the steady rock of the drums, all of it layered with depth by Gabe Noel’s weeping cello work. Carpark will release That’s the Price of Loving Me on March 28th.

Dean and Britta and Sonic Boom

Really, if you’ve been on the indie side of the musical pond, just the names of Dean & Britta & Sonic Boom should mean something to you, and well, they’ll mean more now that three have joined forces to set up for a holiday album titled A Peace of Us. What better way to announce this blessed union than by sharing a classic from Willie Nelson, “Pretty Paper,” working with a stripped down affair that works around a well crafted electronic background, toying with the dueling vocals that buoy the pop sensation throughout. In a strange way, it also kind of sounds like a B-side from an early Magnetic Fields tune, and I’m here for it. Carpark Records will release the album on November 22nd.

Friday Album Streams: Chime School, Fake Fruit, Daily Worker and more…

Today is one of those rare days when it is literally raining with new releases, and oddly, many of them are coming from the San Fran/Oakland area. Alas, you don’t really need to hear about my feelings on all these, just know that if they’re on this site, they’re definitely on my list of things to jam out to today. Crank em’ up and be sure to support the artists and labels!

Chime SchoolThe Boy Who Ran the Paisley Hotel (Slumberland)

HitsWorld of Dirt (Paisley Shirt Records)

Fake FruitMucho Mistrust (Carpark Records)

Daily WorkerMF Genius EP (Flak Records)

Emma RussackAbout the Girl (Dinosaur City Records)

Fake Fruit Share Gotta Meet You Single

Just a couple of weeks now and we’ll get to hear the entirety of Mucho Mistrust, but in the meantime, Fake Fruit have left us with a skronking post-punk piece that erupts into an all out jam session. They waste no time here, wiggling in with off-kilter percussion and a bopping sax squeal that sets the pace for the vocals to chase down. While the lyrics chase down everything, those notes move and squirm, always evading, adding to this sort of unstructured I style that’s as disorienting as it is intriguing. And then…it just starts to shake, the edges becoming obscured and everything starts to shake disorderly, prompting a closing freakout that’s the perfect exclamation mark! Mucho Mistrust is out via Carpark Records on August 23rd.

Fake Fruit Drop Mas o Menos Single

Really loving the energy coming through on this new Fake Fruit single, just another reminder of the diversity of the Oakland scene (third song today from the area!). Their first two tracks from the forthcoming Mucho Mistrust LP were illustrating the group’s ability to stretch themselves beyond the expectations. Growth is great, but this tune feels like their lineage coming through, ferocious and scratching at your speakers as they drive forth frantically. You get a brief respite in the tune, but it only ramps up the tension more so they can tear the song to the ground. Mucho Mistrust is ready to rock n’ roll; it drops on August 23rd via Carpark Records.

Fake Fruit Release Cause of Death Video

Another day, another great track coming out of the Oakland area, this time from Fake Fruit. The band are totally fucking with you here too, playing with your favorite post-punk tropes to suck you right into their world. At first you get those angular guitars (think Omni) branded with a pseudo-spoken word vocal display. Just as you think they’re ready to jettison off into stereotypical fun, they break it down real slowly and noise, hitting you with a wash of heavily distorted guitars and squawking horns, but pulled back so it rolls in like a dense fog. If you get sucked in, as you should, then wait for the burst of pop vocals from Hannah right at the 2:20 mark. What a great second single; they release Mucho Mistrust on August 23rd via Carpark Records.

Rui Gabriel Shares Church of Nashville

While it it may have taken multiple versions to get here, Rui Gabriel‘s newest single, “Church of Nashville” feels like the perfect final revision. When the electronic loop gets going at the beginning, it immediately brings you into the confines of the track, letting you settle in your seat before Gabriel even walks onto the stage. When his voice begins to work over that hurried strum, there was something about it that was reminiscent of Lou Reed, sort of that whispering cool that makes you want to tie yourself wherever he goes. Plus, as the track gets underway, there are all these little elements of atmospheric brushstrokes that elevate the tune beyond that whisper, lifting it magically into your ear canals. Compassion will be out on Carpark on June 21st.

Fake Fruit Return with Mucho Mistrust

Back in 2021, Fake Fruit dropped their debut LP, and it was pretty much unanimously adored by the indie kids; they return now with a brand new album titled Mucho Mistrust, and the title track is now available for you. The band definitely toy with the post-punk genre, working with the riffs that are sometimes angular and sometimes bouncing, yet they always crash into one another to create this wall of brilliant noise that shakes your walls. Ham D’Amato’s vocals remind me of an American answer to Courtney Barnett, taking this sort of indifferent delivery and spinning it into something that delivers undeniable cool. If you’re looking for a rad listen to wrap up your summer, better pencil in Mucho Mistrust, out August 23rd via Carpark Records.

Ducks Ltd Share New Single

For a band that’s spent the better part of their career banging out jangling adjacent pop rock, the new Ducks Ltd single should be a bit of a surprise to listeners, though not necessarily a bad thing. For nearly two minutes, the band spend their time in a more casual land, carefully picking on the guitar with little atmospheric flourishes bubbling to the surface occasionally; it’s presented with zero percussive element, but it’s nice to see a little left turn in the midst of an album cycle. Drums do kick in, and the song opens up a bit, but at that point, the vocals become just another layer as the band builds a bit of depth to their tune. Harm’s Way is out February 9th via Carpark Records.

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