Last Week’s Jams (1.27 – 1.31)

Well, the year’s fully in swing, as evidenced by the ridiculous amount of music we got to listen to, though we only managed to write about a mere 25+ tracks and albums. I’ll cop to the fact that the end of the week was the highlight, hitting with a new Lone Striker single on the same day we got The Laughing Chimes album out there. Buffet Lunch continued to flex their musicianship, while the Rishis offered a brand single from their next LP. New Tunde Adebimpe and La Securite had us on the trends, but in the end, I was just glad to hear new stuff from our friends in Seasonal Falls. What will be your favorite jam of last week?

Last Week’s Jams (1.6 – 1.10)

You missed our weekly roundup, didn’t you? Well, Last Week’s Jams returns, circling back on an organized playlist to remind you of all the fun we had rocking out the previous week. Touched on some Austin stuff with Gus Baldwin and Matador Sphere, making sure we rep the home base as often as possible. The big battle of the musical week came from The Laughing Chimes and Sharp Pins, both going head to head for some incredible indie vibes that will dominate the landscape this year…or so I hope. Didn’t hurt that we also got to hear more from Prism Shores and Pink Chameleons as they prep their new releases. Dig in below and don’t be afraid to tell me what you loved.

Gus Baldwin and the Sketch Drop Luxury Television

It’d been a minute since I caught a Gus Baldwin show, and while he was technically playing as a member of Bubba Lucky, his performance reminded me of the incredible guitar work that courses through his own band’s new LP. Clicking play below, there’s an immediacy in the songwriting that’s reminiscent of acts like Jay Reatard; I love the frantic nature that’s emphasized by the screeching guitar licks that bounce across the speakers. The whole band gets in on the action here too, taking almost a full minute of instrumental breakdowns to flex their musical skillset before they rip right towards the close. Gus Baldwin and the Sketch drop their self-titled LP on January 31st.

Last Week’s Jams (12.2 – 12.6)

In a world where folks are rushing to put out their year end lists, so you can debate their tastes, I’m just over here putting out songs with my bud RayRay. We covered a surprising 21 new songs last week, and 22 if you included a tune that’s not on any of the DSPs. Tons of rad Austin stuff like Strange Lot, Gus Baldwin, Lunar Gold…and of course the ATH Records’ own Fantastic Purple Spots. New music from FACS and Sprouts made my week complete, though I also found some soft spots in there you can dig through on the site. Don’t forget to also check out our Rock n’ Recipes with Sasha Bell of the Ladybug Transistor, just in time for their little tour and reissue! We also got to premiere a brand new Gaytheist tune worth your time!

Gus Baldwin and the Sketch Drop Slacker’s Prom

While the Winter weather tends to put me into my feels, there’s still a thirst for the energy that Gus Baldwin & the Sketch bring to my speakers. While they push forth in this new single, their typical tenacity is offset a little bit by the vocal delivery; Baldwin’s voice is a little calmed and hazy, setting up these perfect “oohs” that deliver a teaser hook. This is all perfect, as the energy pours through the speakers, punishing the cones as the drums thunder and riffs do their best to shred everything in their path. The Sketch will officially be out on January 25th of next year!

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