Show Preview: Growlers @ Scoot Inn (9.27)
The last few years, my record collection has grown in size, due greatly to the productivity of The Growlers. Last year, they had Hung at Heart, which made it into our Top Ten Albums of the Year, plus an EP; this year they released Chinese Fountain this week…again, already winning those of us at ATH over. It’s this combination of jangling pop, Cali swagger, and even a hint of some folk elements…all things I can get on board with. So, if you’re looking to make a splash with a date, or just catch a really incredible show, you should head over to Scoot Inn on Saturday night to catch these guys. You can pick up tickets HERE. The show will start at 9:00 PM, but doors are at 8, so you can come in early and grab a drink with the friendly staff.
Download: The Growlers – Someday [MP3]