Show Review: Antlers @ Emos (6/7)

As the heat beats down upon us, it’s always nice to find yourself enthralled in a decent evening of carousing with the locals, especially if said shenanigans include a night filled with incredible musical accompaniment.  I’m pretty sure that’s what all of us got over at Emos on Tuesday night, with Antlers and Little Scream giving us just what we needed.

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Show Preview: The Antlers @ Emos (6/7)

Date Tuesday, June 7th
Location Emos
Doors 900p
Tickets $15 from Ticketweb

Well, we all know about the ride of fame that the Antlers have been on for the last few years, and their latest release, Burst Apart, has gotten acclaim all over the place, including from us.  Now, with the summer season upon us, it’s probably pretty important that we get in as many incredible shows before the heat bogs us down, so you need to make it out, ya hear? And, yet another reason to make it out is the opening act, Little Scream.  It’s rare to come across delicately crafted music accompanied by a truly inspiring vocalist, and such is the case with LS, who you must make it out to see. Come on, every one’s going to be there, and we can’t afford to be left out.


Download: The Antlers – Two [MP3]

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