Last Week’s Jams (2.3 – 2.7)

We covered a fair amount of ground last week, though perhaps not quite as much rolling out as the previous week of tunes. We did get a new Jad Fair/Samuel Locke Ward video premiere that can only be seen HERE. That being said, there were tons of other tunes we can run up our playlist flagpole, like the news tune from Sharp Pins, as part of Kai’s reissue of Radio DDR. Dean Wareham dropped another single from his new record, so that’s good news for all of us. Plus, the end of the week hit hard, with great new ditties from Exploding Flowers and Mythical Motors to round out a solid week of tunes. Stream them below.

Lola Tried Drop Degrader

We’ve always been big fans of Austin’s Lola Tried; they’ve played our annual SXSW party before…and they only just seem to be taking hold of their powers. This fresh single that dropped the other afternoon illustrates just how much singe Lauren has grown; she manages to deliver this harsh vocal curl that fits in naturally alongside the powerful burst of the band. But, growth doesn’t mean moving away from your bread-and-butter, as the chorus has the perfect soaring melodic hook. Despite the hook, the lyrical content has Burton taking emotional ownership back for those that she felt like didn’t have a voice at the time of the writing. Just imagine the joyousness of Cherry Glazer with less fucks to give and you’ve got this new Lola Tried single.

Last Week’s Jams (6.19 – 6.23)

It was a pretty busy week around these parts, though on a personal level, the next two weeks are going to be a bit of a shit show. So, it was good to settle into that ride with some great new jams. New music from Colored Lights and Lola Tried got me super excited, so we’re kicking off last week’s jams right there. B. Gray shot some great photos of Love and Rockets, which you can scroll back into and find, thus their inclusion. RayRay ran a review of the latest from Elder Jack Ward, so you can get your soul fix in. I probably played it safe and close to home with new songs from Snooper, Swansea Sound and Film School, among a bunch of others. Unfortunately, the new Lewsberg tunes are streaming yet, so those aren’t here, but go back and listen, please!

Lola Tried Drop Don’t Care At All Video

I think Lola Tried are definitely ready to be considered one of the premiere pop rock acts in Austin at the moment. There’s a certain maturity in Lauren and Ray’s songwriting that seems to hold dear to a punk ethos while aiming for much bigger sounds, bolstered by a thunderous rhythm section that allows the song to ebb and flow perfectly. When the guitars pull back and allow the vocals to take center stage, one realizes how they’ve maximized space to play up the grittier bits. And for all the hooks in the vocals and bass lines, there’s still that rad tenacity, maxed out with a ferocious closing. Fingers crossed a new LP is around the corner here!


ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party – March 12th @ Hotel Vegas

First there was Covid, then I had another kid, but I’m back this year to reignite the annual AustinTownHall vs SideOneTrackOne SXSW Party. It’s a 3 stage extravaganza over at Hotel Vegas, bringing in some of our favorite acts from all over Austin and having them throw down ridiculous sets that make us all proud of our music scene. Huge shout out to John at SOTO and 101x Homegrown for the organization, and thanks to the Vegas crew for having us back here. This year, we’ve even got a fun playlist for you to sample the tunes and share around to get your friends excited.

Show starts at 3 PM on March 12 at Hotel Vegas/Volstead! FREE! See you there!

Last Week’s Jams (2.13 – 2.17)

We’re not sure if you’re off or not for President’s Day, so we wanted to make sure those stuck in an office, or just browsing the Internet at home caught on to what we dished out last week! Ryan premiered a fresh track from Slow Fiction, plus he was able to get some SXSW coverage up via interviews with Dream, Ivory and Free Range. I was stoked to hear our friends Lola Tried return, plus I loved that new track from Ghosts on TV; the new stuff from Dry Cleaning and Lunar Vacation wasn’t bad either. Plus, there were lots of weirdo bits in between like Monde UFO and Swim Camp too! Oh, and did you see the IT Department was back on the grind with some Orbital coverage? Yep, stream away friends.


Lola Tried Return with Black and White

It’s been a minute since we last heard fresh tunes from Austin’s Lola Tried, but on their Renvers EP, you could hear a broader songwriting perspective, a certain fearlessness for the band to face pop rock on their own terms. As you’ll hear below, there’s absolutely no turning back, as Lauren Burton seems to only be rising higher with her craft. This song build slowly, like a warm up lap, letting the listener sink into the song. But, as it creeps along and Burton’s voice takes control, the song bursts into an all out spring, erupting with this crunching wall of rock n’ roll that would surely lead into a huge breakdown in the live setting. Absolutely loving this performance, and hoping you are too. Plus, if you’re in the Austin area, they celebrate the release of the new single tonight at Chess Club!

Last Week’s Jams, Today (September 7 – 10)

Welcome to another Monday my friends. First, taking a minute here, as I’m writing this post, to celebrate the 7 day young Rhys Bennett Lankford! That’s right, went and had me another one of those kids, and its been a lot of fun, and well, we’re super stoked on the lil’ fella. That said, we also had a short week, so maybe we didn’t get as many jams in as we might otherwise. But, rest assured, we’ve got a pretty solid little collection of tunes here for you to begin your week, with quite a few ATX appearances from the likes of Lola Tried, American Friend and more. You know what to do, press play and stuff.

Lola Tried Drop Renvers EP

Today let’s celebrate another great release from one of our favorite Austin bands, Lola Tried. The band haven’t released anything new since their eponymous debut in 2018, but they’re coming back with a vengeance, packing some pop rock that’s bold and boisterous. I love how the guitar work on this single seems to be holding back, just teasing us on the cusp of rock, all before letting lose to drop in these crunchy old school emo-style riffs. Lauren’s vocal control is phenomenal, bold and angry where it needs, holding onto melody when called for; the band’s backing vocals also add a nice little textural harmony in there that certainly doesn’t hurt. Stoked for the band, so celebrate with us by streaming the whole Renvers EP today. If you’re in the ATX area, the band celebrate the EP with a show tonight at Native Hostel.

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