Pin Cushion Drop I Don’t Know Why

Been looking for something that could get my day up and rolling, something that could give me that energetic boost to jump into, which is where Long Island’s Pin Cushion come into play. This song opens with a little bit of jumping around, but then it just takes off rolling, sort of giving you that sort of sped up shanty sound…though I’d be lying if I didn’t say I heard a little of Ted Leo in the opening verses. They break it all down in the end, giving more of a thrashing sputter, illustrating they’re not tethered to just one sound, leaving plenty of of room to go this way and that when they’re new album finally comes out! Stay tuned on that front!

Loving This New Macseal Track

Well well well, what do we have here? A band with a throw back, sort of post-emo sound? RayRay is of course going to be all over that. Bringing us that sweet throw back sound today is Long Island based group Masceal with their latest single “Sure Thing, Shelly”. I am immediately taken back to the glory days of music with bands like American Football or even The Promise Ring. This is a truly great song.

Masceal will release new EP Map it Out on November 9th via 6131 Records.


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