Last Week’s Jams (9.23 – 9.27)

We’re drawing towards the end of the year, and while that means arbitrary musical lists of things, what it also means is that we’ve got a few more records hanging out to enjoy before the year is up. Personally, there were some great new songs from trauma ray, EggS and the Wickies, which indicated that these acts have a lot of promise to deliver. Best Bets dropped their latest LP, which was on our radar, not to mention the new release from Being Dead and Feeling Figures. Loved the introduction to Coldwave, and it never hurts to wrap up the end of the week with new music from Constant Follower!

Lorie Share Find Your Way

Clearly, we’re fans of folks that take a stab at a progressive bit of rolling pop, taking some of the early elements from acts like Broadcast or Stereolab, then spinning it in a more angular fashion, like Lorie here. They’ve got a new self-titled EP you can dive into as we speak, but wanted to offer up this gem of a tune to whet your whistle a little bit. They do exactly as I suggest, hitting the droning pop sound with an infusion of energy, particularly in the way the cymbals work themselves into the songs. It reminds me a lot of En Attendant Ana, though this Atlanta group aren’t afraid to turn up the noise just a bit.

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