Noisy Number from FEWS

Just because this song’s filled with noise, don’t feel like FEWS are ascribing themselves to any particular genre of gaze or anything. Instead, they’re just creating this wall of heavy riffs that crash down upon your ears as the drums pound ominously in the distance. I’m interested in the matter-of-fact delivery of the vocals, almost hidden deep within the confines of the tune. And suddenly, it’s over. You’re jamming, you’re rocking…and then its done, so you can go back and play it again. Oh, and in case you haven’t caught the musical reference point yet, perhaps go check out Gary Numan.

Puppy Gives You A Little Metal

puppy_forever_art_541_402Puppy are a trio from London that make grunge/metal(ish) tunes. That’s pretty much all that is known about them thusfar, so I’m going to let the song do the talking. What I really like about this track is that the guitars are screaming heavy metal while the vocals are light and airy; something you’d expect from dream/twee pop, creating a balance that’s hard not to enjoy. “Forever” blends genre in a seamless fashion, and makes me look forward to what they have in store for the future. Forget the weird name and press play: rock on Puppy.

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