Show Pics: Midge Ure @ 3ten (1/20)

As I mentioned in the preview, Midge Ure was last in town, almost exactly two years ago. Oh, those were much simpler times, weren’t they? Though not in name, the idea of the current climate was a subject of between song banter and related to several titles, even if just loosely. Fitting given the protest that night, call it a warmup for the women’s march. There were many songs that he could not do justice in the acoustic only set from The Cactus, in particular hearing “Reap the Wild Wind” was bucket list stuff for me.

Nite‘s set was a very pleasant surprise.

…so click through for show notes and plenty of photos.

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Show Preview: Midge Ure @ 3ten (1/20)

Listen up, you whipper snappers. Midge Ure is an important figure in music. His work in Silk and Thin Lizzy shaped rock and roll while Visage and Ultravox still heavily influence the current flood of excellent synth pop. He co-wrote and played all instruments on “Do They know It’s Christmas”.

I last caught up with Midge almost exactly two years ago. He played an intimate acoustic show at The Cactus, one of the best things I have ever seen on stage. Midge, with band in tow, is back to play all those synth-laden jams he couldn’t play that night. His vocal is still outstanding, his stories endearing. Dallas-based Nite will kick things off a little after doors open at 8pm. Please join us.

Tickets available here.

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ATH Interview & Show Pics: Midge Ure

Midge UreMidge Ure came to Austin to do one of his rather rare solo acoustic shows. With his first release in twelve years finally out to the public, the pioneer in electronically tinged pop had new material to revitalize a fan base that is still in love with the classics from previous solo efforts, Visage and, most importantly, Ultravox. I took advantage of the trip in to get a quick email interview done before the show at Cactus Cafe.

Head on past the break to read a Q&A covering the many projects, life as a solo artist and even a little bit on being the guy behind Band-Aid along with coverage of the show and plenty of pics. Ladies and Gentlemen, Midge Ure…

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Show Preview: Midge Ure @ Cactus Cafe (1/18)


Date 1/18

Location Cactus Cafe
Doors 7:30pm
Tickets $25 HERE

Midge Ure is a name you should know, but you may not despite the iconic voice and contributions to music. Ultravox, Visage, solo albums, collaborations on so many things including producing and writing that little Band-Aid thing thirty years ago. Little known fact, he played all but the drums for that song (Phil Collins put down that track).

Anyway, Midge is playing an acoustic set at Cactus Cafe Sunday. I am excited. His 2004 album is on slow-burn in my catalog, lots of variety there and some real gems, dark to pop. Allegedly, there will be stories told and songs old and new. “Fade to Grey” is a desert island song for me. Pretty, pretty, pretty excited.

Here is a track from the last solo album called Fragile.

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