Last Week’s Jams (10.21 – 10.25)

It seems like the year is grinding to a slow halt, as there are fewer and fewer trickles of new tracks coming our way, though I’ll admittedly hope that that’s the end of the year preparations not the musical end of times. Still, I fell in love with a lot of great songs, like a new single from the last Mope Grooves LP, which just came out on 12XU. Also, 12XU adjacent is a new single from Austin’s Quin Galavis, which I was digging too. There was a brand new single from The Gentle Spring, which hopefully got you Field Mice fans excited. Plus, RayRay has been busting his ass on getting coverage out for Levitation this week, with new posts up on Pissed Jeans and Acid Mothers Temple.

12XU Readies Box of Dark Roses, the Final Mope Grooves LP

I suppose that I could wait to toss Box of Dark Roses out with our casual Friday Album Streams, but seeing as 12XU got another track out before the release of the final Mope Grooves record, it feels as if I should shine a little more purposeful light in that direction. But, even as a fan of stevie and her work, it’s also hard to write about their efforts to fight for marginalized groups, particularly as a cis-white dude. All that to say, the new tune that’s been bopping around is a solid glimpse at the importance of the 27 songs coming our way Friday. There’s a propulsive beat that courses throughout, then layer upon layer get added, thickening the piece; you can get a glimpse of stevie’s process with the repeated line of “it is right to fight,” punching through the speakers. Personally, I love the piano notes that creep through the metallic backdrop, illustrating a sort of juxtaposition between the beauty and harshness the music is confronting. There’s a digital treatise of sorts from stevie, which you can read HERE. Otherwise, grab a copy of the LP on Friday!


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