New Video from Robert Sotelo

Robert Sotelo will be releasing Celebrant in early November, and with that date approaching, there’s another new video to tease you into buying the LP. I love how it opens up with this muted glitch, evolving into a layered glitch and melodic pulse that drives the song’s tension. Then comes Sotelo, hanging his voice in that sort of darkened pop expanse, swirling with melody, bravado and hints of drama. The chorus hits on these playful notes, lifting the tune briefly. All that said, the song is about longing and protection with Robert saying the track is about feeling “overly paternal towards a parent,” which becomes increasingly difficult in the current climate. And just to say…I wish more people wrote pop tunes like this. Celebrant is out November 12th via Upset the Rhythm.


Catchy Tune From Bull

In our never ending quest for high quality pop music to share with the world, it’s a sheer pleasure when we come across songs like “Love Goo”. The track comes by way of York based artist Bull, who have actually toured quite extensively, and even stopped in Austin for SXSW a couple of years ago. After first hearing this song, I was immediately drawn to its simplicity and sheer pop goodness. Seriously, how catchy is this song? I will warn you now, repeat plays will surely have this one stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Let’s Do One More From Jack Drag

Lot’s of quality albums will be hitting the streets this month, one of which is the new joint from John Dragonetti and his project known as Jack Drag. Having heard the record in full as the really cool blogger I am, I can tell you that it is hot, on fire, and full of hit after hit. It seriously might be one of my favorite pop albums to come out in a long long time. Keep in mind we don’t listen to lot of traditional pop like Beyonce or Carly Rae so it’s going to be a little bit left of center, just like us. If my words aren’t enough for you to trust his new work, check out his third single from the release below and tell me you aren’t excited. You will need to own this.

Drag will release 2018 on September 14th via Burger Records.

Vansire Return With a Hit

When Minnesota based Vansire release a new song, you can be sure the ATH boys will be posting it. What’s most impressive to me, is how the band can manage to reinvent themselves in the dream pop genre with each and every song they send us. Take for example this new single “Halcyon” which brings more of a Mac Demarco meets chillwave vibe to it. I can assure you this band will continue to gain popularity and will be a household name in the indie world soon. When’s that full length dropping dudes?

Brooding Pop From FRAME

Man I love when checking out things for the website I sometimes find a track that wouldn’t normally be in my wheelhouse, but it impresses me big time. Such is the case with this new song “One of a Kind” from Brooklyn based artist FRAME. It’s a full and synth heavy pop number similar to a band like Baltimore’s Kindest Lines. Whomever you want to compare this to, you have to admit that it’s catchy as hell right? The answer is yes.

FRAME will drop State of Mind on October 27th via Concierge Records. Pre-order.

New Music From Heart Beach

Aussie based band Heart Beach have picked up lots of love on ATH over the years. Nathan and I have both proclaimed them as one of our favorite Australian acts from the last few years. Well today the band sent over not one, but two new singles for us to check out! Both tracks offer the same guitar driven pop music with powerful vocals and perfect timing from the rhythm section. Both songs appear on a new album entitled Haircut due out on November 1st. Enjoy.

Nice Pop Number From Little Coyote

Ah yes, we have finally made it to the middle of the week and the weekend is in sight. Helping us celebrate our hump day today is Toronto based Little Coyote and their promising new track “Medicine”. When I first heard the song, I was immediately attracted to the driving, almost yearning sound of the song. It has this weird sense of urgency building throughout while still showing a calm and tight production effort.

Little Coyote will release The Trouble With Teeth on October 13th. Pre-order that shiz now.

Check Out This New Small Reactions Tune

Atlanta based group Small Reactions received a bit of positive praise on our site with the release of their debut LP Similar Phantoms back in 2014. The guys are back at again and sharing some new music over the interwebs today with this song called “Sliding Glass Nightmare”. While being incredibly simple, the song manages to create a truly interesting and memorable pop tune. It sort of meanders a bit while throwing in some nice bright guitars throughout. Hit it up.

Small Reactions will release new LP RXN_002 on August 4th.

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Even More From No Monster Club

Dublin’s own No Monster Club is currently one of the busiest bands in the game having released 5 EPs already in 2017. Being so relentless with releases this year, one might think the quality of music is watered down, but you’d be totally wrong. Maybe you’ll believe me after listening to this new fun pop single called “You Are Here”. If a song was ever ready for summer, it’s this bright and catchy new track from no Monster Club.

EP #5 of the year, Faqir – Hex, is now available for digital purchase on bandcamp.

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Thad Kopec Impresses With New Single

Nashville songwriter Thad Kopec has impressed my ears today with his latest single entitled “Half Moon/Distant Shore”. It’s a sweeping bit of psychpop music full of soaring moments and multiple rises and falls. With each listen, I think you’ll find some new layer to pick up on and enjoy. Well done sir.

Thad Kopec will release new album The Shadow and the Caster on April 21st.

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