ATH Premiere: Paul Doffing Releases New Album

Paul DoffingThere’s been a lot of hubbub, especially in the Austin community about financial viability for musicians.  It’s a difficult task for most, if not all, so you’ve got to look to something new and personal that makes it successful…this is where we meet Paul Doffing. His mode of transportation across the States has and continues to be his bicycle; he’s doing it again this summer after cancelling his lease and letting go of many of his possessions.  That unique approach deserves accolades, but so does the quieted folk music he’s offering folks on his latest album Songs From the (quaking) Heart.  It just came out, and I can’t think of a better way for you to rest your soul in the middle of the week than by listening to this single.

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Folk Tune from Dim Peaks

dimpeaksI’ve been in this huge folk/americana stretch lately, with smaller doses of the punk rock.  One of the newest tunes to catch my ear is from Dim Peaks, which has a nice dosage of the folk sound, while not going too far into the genre. I’m not sure whether the instrumentation or the vocals got to me, but regardless, I got sucked into the band.  You should check out their Time of Joy album, which just came out via Gold Robot Records; you’ll find that it fits in perfect to your cozy summertime playlists.  Have no fear, the hits are right here.


Download: Dim Peaks – Reason [MP3]

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