Boyracer Share Stand By Yr Words Video

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Boyracer released their 13th album in April; 30 years in the scene, working with the likes of Sarah and Slumberland…and perhaps just now hitting that sweet spot. “Stand By Yr Words” is a quick burst of fuzzy pop punk, coming in at just over 1 minute; it does a great job of summing up the sounds you’re going to find inside On A Promise. You get the aforementioned fuzz, high-octane riffs and a big dose of melody; the balance between the melody of Penny and Christina against Stewart’s gruffness is the perfect balance. Plus, they throw in some horns, which are prevalent throughout the record too. If you dig the song, go stream the entirety of On A Promise right HERE; or just pick it straight up from Emotional Response.

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