Best of 2020 Thus Far…According to Nathan

We all say these lists are arbitrary, and yet in the end, we get sucked into making our own…mostly because it seems like other people got it so wrong. But, then looking at my personal list, and it’s no wonder we’re not in the cool kids club, because these records are not seeming to make the big time lists. Oh well. Here’s my awards for 2020 thus far…plus, in the very end I have a very nice 10 hr playlist of all my favorite songs of the year, one jam for each day in 2020, save the holidays!

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Divers Bring Out New Single

dvrsThe guys in Divers talk of walking the fine long between indie rock and punk rock, and listening to their new single, you can hear them straddling that strange divide.  Opening this tune is this jagged guitar and furious punch; it reminds me of Les Savy Fav at their most bombastic.  But, those moments subside quickly and move into a safer world where Win Butler would feel most protected..or one of those Hold Steady cats. It’s definitely something I enjoy, though I’m not sure where it falls in my life. I guess we’ll see when their album Hello Hello falls on February 17th.

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