Chapter Music Reissue Whadya Want’s Skippy Knows

I don’t know much about Whadya Want, other than the band had an impact on the folks over at Chapter Music, who are some of my most reliable musical resources. So, when they sent over these tracks to let us know about their reissue of the band’s lone album, Skippy Knows, I figured it would only do us all justice to learn a little more about the band, if only through their hook-laden pop rock sounds. It’s a mixture of 80s dance club sounds, holding onto what was left of the post-punk of that period. Below, you get this groovy number that’s only here as a digital bonus track if you grab the LP; it reminds me of the sharpness of an Orange Juice track, so you can’t go wrong there. Skippy Knows will be reissued on April 14th.

Dehd Release New Bonus Single/Video

I’d likely consider myself a huge Dehdhead, as in Dehd, not “the Dead.” Today, the band just released a brand new bonus track they’ve added to their recent LP, Blue Skies…and added a video to boot! Here, the guitar tones had me immediately, it was the first thing that I gravitated towards. That then gets punctuated by these “oohs” that highlight the band’s melodic leanings, only to halt them before screaming into a raucous closing. Plus, the video reminds me of old school Good Charlotte, where the whole gang’s together in slo-mo having a blast in friendship and riding around (but on cycles not lowriders). Enjoy!

A Treat from Joe McAlinden

joeDid you buy Linden‘s album, Rest and Be Thankful? If not, you should head over to Slumberland and pick it up immediately. But, more importantly is that last week Joe (the man behind Linden and collaborator with the likes to Teenage Fanclub) tossed out a bonus track from a recent EP. It’s such a soft track that the most powerful moments come in the way Joe holds his notes; the accompanying instrumentation only seems to emphasize those little notes. Just simple beauty, that’s all, which is all the more reason to get yourself into the work McAlinden is crafting. Try this one on for size.

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Bonus Elliot Moss Single

emoElliot Moss released his quiet masterpiece, Highspeeds, digitally today (though we won’t be able to get our hands on physical copies until May 5th), and if you grabbed that version, you’ll be treated to this exclusive bonus track.  I think the tune highlights Elliot’s gifts, displaying the fragility in his voice, carefully resting atop the mixture of constructed layers.  There’s so many fine touches throughout the album that this song seems to fit perfectly into the overall concept he’s unleashed.  There’s some streams of the whole record out there, but we wanted to treat you to this special tune he’s offered to his fans.

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