Lowmoon Drops Won’t Change Your Mind Video

Been a bit all over the musical map this morning, with a little of this and a little of that, but really excited for the dream pop vibes on this new single from Lowmoon. The Yorkshire-based project is certainly crafting some nostalgia, albeit in a much more modern presentation. Drums have this snazzy sharpness that creates this rhythmic pulse that glues all the pieces together; you get jangling guitars and melodies galore that climb through your speakers, all of it working well within the delightful contrast of the two vocal styles on display. This is the perfect Friday dance track you’ve been seeking, and it’ll be on the new Cathedrals LP, out April 25th via Safe Suburban Home Records.

Tom Henry Drops Art House

While you’re getting bombarded by all the great releases today, you’ll also find some little treasures in the music world of singles, like this new Tom Henry track. Something in the craft of this song finds me reminiscing on my childhood growing up and listening to 50s rock n’ roll songs, though you can also kind of hear bits of Costello or Lowe in the delivery. That natural boogie inclination shouldn’t be discarded, with a ditty-worthy exploding in the chorus where you’re drawn into a classic doo-wop vibe; you’ll want to grab your Valentine and swing them about your living quarters. Henry will release Songs to Sing and Dance To on June 27th via Royal Oakie.

Vulture Feather Shares Flesh and Electronics

Today’s the day my friends, as you can finally enjoy the entirety of the new Vulture Feather LP; the band have been hit on our radar with earlier singles…and there’s one more big bold statement to stream below before you dive into the entirety of the LP. Something about the thundering nature of the drums and chug of the guitars continues to remind me of the good era of Wolf Parade, though they’re tossing in a lot more angular riffs, filling the song with this anxiousness that is swept up perfectly by the soaring drama of the vocals that howl throughout. Enjoy the tune below, and if you dig, go stream the It Will Be Like Now HERE; it’s out today from Felte.

Frog Shares Top of the Pops Var I + Releases New LP

As early members of the Frog Fan Club, we’re contractually obligated to share any and all future Frog pieces. Today, the bands releases 1000 Variations of the Same Song, though I’m not entirely convinced these are all the same song. But, as it’s release day, let’s jam on one of the many great songs, “Top of the Pops Var. I.” When I first heard the song, it was the guitars that sucked me right into the tune, as the repetitive grind was reminiscent of something you’d find on the earliest Pinback records; it was a nice little musical treat, especially when juxtaposed with the high octave notes that hit on the vocal side of the pond. Now, this is just one little sample of the new work, so be sure to stream the whole album HERE; it’s out today via Audio Antihero.

Echo Delay Give You A Moment of Joy

There are a lot of really great albums coming out this week, and for me, the one that’s probably sliding under your radar is this new LP from Denmark’s Echo Delay. They’re playing with psychedelic tropes, particularly in the first minute of guitar noodling here. But, then while that aura maintains the status quo, the vocals come into play as a kind of quieted public speech; they’re seemingly spoken, rather than sung, with some vocal effects creating this disorienting gloriousness you’ll dive right into. So, if slow burning psychedelia seems to be your thing, sneak around through the caverns of The Second Bardo and you’ll be sure to uncover treasures!

JJ Sweetheart Share Cinnamom + Drops Big Things

If you go back nearly a decade (yes, we’ve been around that long!), we first met JJ Sweetheart when he was part of France Camp. But, today, he dips his toes into the solo realm, releasing his Big Things EP. When you click on the button below you’ll hear one of the attractions that drew me to his earlier work, which is this soulful tinge of pop; he spins it here through a sort of lo-fi bedroom manifesto, with a soaring chorus that really highlights the magic you want to find in a great pop song. In a sense, it feels like early Generationals, spun with a little bit more of a DIY ethos. Enjoy below, then pop to hear the rest of the EP at Bandcamp.

Cross Record Drops God Fax Video

While the fragility of Cross Record‘s work was on full display with Charred Grass, the new single from the forthcoming Crush Me illustrates the artistry Emily and company have put into the new album. In the opening minute and a half, you get this punch in the gut, this sort of musical equivalent to losing your breath as Cross sneaks her poetry into the distance. There are moments when the sound is so discordant that you can’t even believe that it’s Cross Record, but perhaps thats the point, as the lyrical content seems to revolve around a somber moment. Crush Me will be out on March 21st via Ba Da Bing.

Swervedriver Release the World’s Fair

Sometimes the reissue strategy is great for both bands and labels, as is the case for Swervedriver, who come out today with new music, fresh on the heels of their reissued 99th Dream. This listen from their new EP is a swirl of contrasting noise; there’s this heavy buzz that creeps back and forth in the hidden passages of the tune, while a bounding piano line creates this sinister frivolity in the front. Weaving in and out are the wispy vocals, like the howling of a ghost from the beyond; it all creates this disorienting punch which is the perfect way to get your day going. The World’s Fair EP will be out on March 7th via Outer Battery.

The Tubs Share Chain Reaction

Since my earliest days as a music listener, I’ve been drawn towards distinctive voices; the sort that stand in your mind, yet refuse to be replicated. Owen ‘O’ Williams voice is one such instance, and here he’s running up and down the gambit, racing to keep pace with the furious punk grind of the guitars. Then, he shucks the chains of keeping pace to work his own melodic focus into the feverish push of his bandmates. You can probably make some comparisons to Royal Headache, particularly when the song opens, but the Tubs have completely built their own sound, and we can’t wait until Cotton Crown drops on March 7th via Trouble in Mind Records.

Horsegirl’s Frontrunner Video

Hopefully you got wind of the latest Horsegirl single yesterday when all the big sites hit us with it, but admittedly, I’m in love with this record, and am just going to post every track that I can. This one peels back some of the energy of their earlier singles from Phonetics On and On, but it also illustrates that they’ve mastered simplicity in every corner of the album, as even more intimate songs offer up layers of brilliance you won’t be able to escape. If you haven’t already gotten on the Horsegirl train, do so before the new record drops this Friday via Matador Records.

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