More From Oscar

10708717_846233935386740_5168277969355596404_oSo a little while ago I told you to watch out for this new London up-and-comer, Oscar, and shared with you his first stunning jam “Daffodil Days,” that had those of us around the ATH offices dancing for, well, days. Were you paying attention? No? It’s time to fix that problem. Oscar has another song for you, “Beautiful Words,” which is more of an electro pop track than the jangle of the first, but has still got me hooked with those deep and clear vocals that are straight from the 80s. Look out for his Beautiful Words EP, which is out June 23 over here in the US. Preorder here.

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Get Ready For Oscar


Every once and a while you come across a track from some under the radar artist that you just know is going to explode shortly. Such is the case with London’s Oscar and this track below. Now, Oscar’s already put out an EP, but this new track “Daffodil Days” is simply great and really worth your attention. The song springs into action right away with the dulcet vocals a-la The Magnetic Fields and the power pop guitars just going to town. The dark vocals and the guitars combine to give you a solid pop song that oddly enough sounds fairly springy in its nature– hear for yourself. Oscar just signed to Wichita Recordings so expect big things.

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