Skinny Girl Diet Announce Ideal Woman

British duo Skinny Girl Diet aren’t here to live up to your expectations, nor they hype of their super fans like Iggy Pop and Viv (of Slits fame). They’re here to take back everything that’s been taken from them from as women and as artists; the only way they know how to do it is to leave their emotions and politics bare before the ears of the listener. Today, they announced Ideal Woman, their second LP, and in doing so, they’ve shared this shredding single, heavy-handed from start to finish; it’s the sort of song that makes any modern rock outfit seem soft. The new LP is being handled by HHBTM, dropping on January 19th of next year!

Pleased to Meet You: Skinny Girl Diet

skinnygirlReading the release info from Skinny Girl Diet is like a dream, saying all the right things, promising all the right dreams. The three piece build off their love of punk, grunge and even R&B, but aren’t looking to be defined by anything specifically; they’re aiming to make music that’s as passionate as they are, leaving you with a message in the long run. They claim to be tired of what’s been labeled “punk,” and they aim to take back the attitude of a lost culture. Musically, you can definitely hear the remnants of grunge on this particular number, which, for me, created feelings of nostalgia along with a simultaneous promise of hope for their new record Heavyflow; it’ll be released by HHBTM Records on November 4th.

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