Enjoy This New Nic Hessler Tune

unnamed-4A few weeks ago I hit up a Nic Hessler tune, and I wasn’t entirely sold on it.  That’s until I got hooked on this new single, which made me realize how great Nic’s work could potentially be going forward.  It’s an example of perfect recording, starting the song off a bit slow, then waiting to explode in this huge swell of pop magic.  It’s surprising that more music ins’t being crafted in precisely this manner; it seems so simple (though I’m sure it’s not) and so easy, yet that’s precisely why I give Hessler credit, as I don’t think everyone can perfect it in such a manner. Look for Soft Connections in stories on March 17th via Captured Tracks.

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This Nic Hessler Tune is Pretty

nohomoThere’s this really soft quality to Nic Hessler.  There’s twinkling guitars walking back and forth, meeting up with Hessler’s distinct voice.  But, it’s also a pretty awesome power ballad.  Despite the song’s ability to sound flowery, it’s got these little touches to it that make the tune seem like it could be a great stomper live: cascading guitars, solos, banging drum parts.  I love when a band can bring something totally different to the live stage, so I’m excited to see what comes from Nic when his debut album, Soft Connections is released. Look for it on March 17th via Captured Tracks.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/179675519″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]