Vetiver Share Swaying

I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve heard thus far from the forthcoming Up on High, the new LP from Vetiver. It still has this folk appeal, though there’s this underlying energy in the songs that sort of pull at my power-pop taste buds. Am I going to go pogoing down the hall? No. But, I’ve got this tune on repeat and my toes are tapping consistently, my fingers typing with the song’s natural rhythm as we speak. But, there’s also this great swath of warmth that comes from the harmonic nature in the vocal melodies, like the sweet whisper of promise hanging on the wind. You’re really going to want to hear this one. Look for their new LP via Mama Bird on November 1st.

New Single from Video

First, this is Video out of the East Bay in Cali, not to be confused with the Austin band of the same name. Secondly, this band still rules, if not more so, but that’s just one man’s opinion. While they’re wrapping up their debut LP, they tossed up this really catchy number that takes on the class disparity in San Francisco; it’s super relatable for someone who has lived in Austin most of his life and can definitely see some similarities. Musically, there’s this insatiable bounce with these fuzzy pop guitars jangling up in the forefront; the vocals have this stylish indifference that feels just like the fog rolling in from the bag, wrapping up us in our favorite shade of cool. One song in, and I’m pretty sold on Video already. What say you?

BDRMM Share Shame Video

I hate to say I love BDRMM as the group are just making a name for themselves by signing to Sonic Cathedral…but dammit, I love the hell out of this song. It teases you, acting like an instrumental, but don’t mind that, you’ll get your lyrics. I love the natural bounce of the song, slowly adding layer upon layer…guitars, atmospherics, percussion, bass…then another guitar comes noodling its way in, tossing its jangling post-punk vibes all over the place. If you want, skip to the 1 minute mark, wait about 20 seconds, and you’ll still get that emotional musical release we’re all seeking; a blast of shoegaze opens the curtains to a fairly empty stage that reveals the matter-of-fact vocal delivery set to the front of the mix while guitars dance about in the distance. Dammit. This band fucks. Look for their If Not, When? EP on October 11th.

TLA Share Forty Years Video

Listener beware! It’s hard not to get entranced by the sonic pulse of this music accompanied with this incredible video just released by TLA. The group is the project of various members of acts like The Shins and The Pleased, which were two acts I was very much in love with during their prime…but this is something wholly different. Visuals aside (though they’re stunning), this feels like what Billy Corgan was after on Adore, only with better execution. I feel like the vocal melodies get tied perfectly into the beats (I’m all about the choruses), adding this great textural feel that’s gives off this psychedelic rave quality that I’m really drawn towards here. The group will release New Language on November 1st via Dowd Records.

Brand New Single from Lachlan Denton and Emma Russack

Please. Put down everything you’re doing. Be free for the next 3 minutes. This brand new track from the songwriting team of Lachlan Denton (Ocean Party) and Emma Russack is possibly the greatest pop song you’ll here today. Lach opens the track with a muted guitar strum worked over strong piano lines and minimal percussion, allowing his voice to really drive the tune forward. If you’re a doubter, wait until the 1:18 mark where the song gains Emma’s voice, a stronger percussive element and a powerful pop hook that finishes the song off in an emphatic fashion. The new record, Take the Reigns, will be out on October 18th via Bobo Integral and Osborne Again.

Shana Falana Announces Darkest Light

When I think of Shana Falana, I tend to think of a thoughtful songwriter who generally crafts these strikingly dreamy numbers that ooze pure passion, especially in the live setting. That said, this brand new single from the forthcoming Darkest Light might take some listeners aback, but only for a moment. Sure, the vocal performance takes on this almost angelic tone, but there’s this turmoil lurking in the track. Take for instance, the absence of drums, it leaves this cavernous void that can only be filled with by voice and the careful playing of guitar notes; it gets some depth with layered strings far off in the mix. It’s striking to see the balance and composure the execute such a song, which leads me to believe this is a project at the top of its game. I look forward to Darkest Light; its out on October 25th via Arrowhawk Records.

Fran Announce A Private Picture

Some labels just get on a roll and top hit after hit, and this is very much the year of Fire Talk; today they announce the debut release of Fran, the musical project of Maria Jacobson. This first single is a doozy, bringing in this heavy riffs balanced out by the playfulness of the chorus, though the song’s subject matter might lean closer to the heavier moments; the video definitely attacks the realm of the “boys only” clubs, and deservingly so. Musically it reminds me a lot of Aldous Harding or Cate Le Bon in the way the song’s structured, building and then taking twists and turns that illustrate the power of voice and artistic flare that keeps listeners coming back for the experience. A Private Picture will drop on November 15th.

Slept on This Behavior Video/Tune

Although you can see the lights in the blogosphere starting to dim, we still get a huge number of emails all the time about new music, which I love. But, sometimes, you can’t squeeze everything into your listening, like this Behavior track. It was sent by a friend, so I went back and fell in love. In a sense, it reminds me of what I sort of wish had come out of the NYC scene of the early 00s…there’s touches of Strokes/Walkmen/French Kicks here, but the effortless cool doesn’t seemed donned for approval, rather an innate quality that lets the band throw jazzier elements into the mix atop jangling little guitar notes. It’s honestly like the band truly doesn’t give a fuck, they’re going to craft their own sound, and I love it. They’ll be releasing Spirits & Embellishments on October 18th via Post Present Medium.

The Leaf Library Announce The World is a Bell

In this modern age, immediate musical fulfillment is important; people scroll on if they have to invest themselves too much; I’m guilty of it myself. But, that’s precisely why this new single from the Leaf Library is so special. You’re not going to find that immediacy, rather you’ll be immersed in this was of electronic pulses that clear your mind of everything. This is where the core of the song lives; it’s melodic vocals dreamily floating about; it’s careful guitar notes skittering about in the far-off distance; this is a song to let yourself be lost, and then found again. And you’ll be grateful, so you’ll pick up the World is a Bell from WIAIWYA, which drops on October 25th.


Beautiful Pop Number from Interbellum

Mondays are always moody, at least when you first walk in the door, knowing you’ve got a full week ahead. So, it’s best to sort ease your way into the week with a great pop tune like this one from Lebanese artist Interbellum. The video was shot inside the Grand Theatre, an old pre-war building dating back to the early 1930s in Beirut; it provides some really striking imagery that allow you to immerse yourself into the lives of the two characters in the film version. That ties in quite nicely to the balance beam of pop that works between female and male vocals; they serve as the perfect accompanying piece that makes this song so glorious. A little sonic exploration adds to the song’s latter half, creating this billowing affect that sets up the track’s closing moments. You can find this tune on the Dead Pets, Old Griefs LP.

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