Redbud Share Acoustic Version of Summer Moon

In a little over a week, Austin group Redbud will pack up as a duo and hit up a few shows in New York and Philly (they’ll be joined by friends for full band sets in NYC) during the second week of May. In order to entice folks, and remind everyone about the talents exhibited on their recent Long Night EP, they’ve shared an acoustic version of “Summer Moon” for all to enjoy. The band version of the EP steps the sound up, appropriately, adding these textures that give buoyancy to Katie Claghorn’s songwriting. But, the acoustic version, as you’ll see, has this powerful intimacy, due to both the proximity of the video’s film, but also the gentle strum and Claghorn’s facial expressions; you’re likely to get a similar experience if you catch them life. So, if you’re in the NYC/Philly area the second week of May, stop by. Plus, the group will be moving about Texas the following week!

Ancient River Prepare New Music

ariverWhen you read that an artist was present at the Austin Psych Fest, thoughts can be misleading, perhaps explaining the rebranding as Levitation Fest.  Ancient River remind me of how much that sound can influence, yet also expand beyond those boundaries, especially with their new six minute opus.  The songs hazy and plodding, quietly building on this barely audible little melody. It’s really something to experience, finding yourself weaving our ears in and out of this tune.  You can grab the Keeper of the Dawn on April 14th courtesy of Summer Moon.

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