Chapter Music Reissues Tangled Shoelaces

There are very few things in life that are a sure bet, but one of those is that if Chapter Music has their hands in it, its probably going to be something worth your listen. And for me, I’ll be honest, I had no idea who Tangled Shoelaces were prior to Guy and company sending out their press release about the forthcoming Turn My Dial – M Squared Recordings and More 1981-1984 (that’s a mouthful!) LP. The collection gathers 22 songs from the limited recordings of the young Aussie outfit, enhanced and ready for your consumption. I mean, if you’re going off this track below; you can see the lineage between the various current acts, all the way up to the Goon Sax. That vocal delivery, that intertwining of male/female vocals; that damned energetic “ba ba ba ba;” this is a fucking necessity! It will be available on April 23rd.