Swirling Indie Pop from Skittle Alley

skittlealleyWarm weather brings varying moods, and while sometimes we curse the heat, in Texas I can say that it definitely brings to mind spritely indie pop, such as the recent work of Skittle Alley.   Luckily, the band, who’ve been posting lots of new songs, seem to have something in the works with the very excellent Dufflecoat Records.  This new tune is full of warm melody, shimmering guitars and a casual pace that will surely leave you smiling as you listen; that’s interesting as the new release seems to be titled The Memory of a Smile.  This tune is perfect to let your mind drift away, and I hope you do, grinning all the way.

Oh, and the artwork was done by Ray Kimura who has done excellent work previously for Alpaca Sports.

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