Your Heart Breaks Shares New Single with Kimya Dawson and David Christian

We are just over a month away from the release of the new album from Your Heart Breaks, and they continue to amaze me with the incredible voices who’ve lent their voices to the project. Having already brought in one of my favorites in John Samson, they seem intent on upping the ante by adding Kimya Dawson and Comet Gain‘s David Christian. The song’s set to a steady gallop, with little accents hanging in the background, but it leaves plenty of room for great lyricism and vocal work. I forgot how playful and charming Dawson could be, but David’s performance transported me back to the late 90s when I first heard Comet Gain…it should say enough about their songwriting that Clyde Petersen was able to get all these great voices together to life their craft. I’m thinking the Wrack Line might be a secret charmer you should all put on your radar; it drops on July 7th via Kill Rock Stars.