Get Heavy With Windhand

unnamed-2Normally, I’m the resident softy around here, posting those gentle folk tunes, but when I heard this metal tune from Windhand, I couldn’t pass up the chance to share it with you all; what’s wrong with a little bit of diversity? Anyways, the track is a heavy and growling tune in the instrumentals– the guitars grumble through and sometimes wail, but are always distorted. Meanwhile the vocals lighten up the mix a bit with their airy sound that float on through and show just what’s so special about this track and group. Lucky for you, the band’s got a new record coming out soon on September 18th called Grief’s Internal Flower on Relapse Records, which you can preorder here. Get to listening.


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Dark Blues From Dorthia Cottrell

dcDorthia Cottrell of Windhand has a self-titled debut solo record coming out in the spring of next year, and she’s given us the first track of said album, which is below. “Gold” has this slow moving psych folk atmosphere to it, of course fronted by Cottrell’s powerhouse vocals that threaten to turn the song down an even darker road at any moment. If this forthcoming album has volatile tunes like this, you can sure count me on board. Check it out and see what you think.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]