More From Chelsea Wolfe

Chelsea-WolfeThough I haven’t seen near as much coverage for Chelsea Wolfe as I remember in the past, count this guy as one who is labeling the soon to be released Abyss as one of this year’s gems.  Since I can’t legally share the entire album with you, the best I can do is post another one of the stellar tracks from the album “Grey Days”.  Once again we are treated to some heavy, darker pop music sure to get you excited for the new release (if you weren’t already).

Abyss is out August 7th on Sargent House.

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Dark New Track From Chelsea Wolfe

Chelsea+WolfeI’ve always had an affinity for Chelsea Wolfe and the dark, brooding sort of pop music that she has created over the last several years.  The new song I’m sharing with you today, “Iron Man”, might just be one of my favorite pieces she’s ever put out.  It’s a song that’s all about the peaks and valleys, the noisy highs of guitar driven rock after you’re calmed with the lows and hushed vocals.  Truly powerful stuff and I suggest you have a listen.

Pick up new album Abyss on August 7th via Sargent House.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Electro Pop Goodness from Pastel Ghost

pasteI’ve been jamming to a lot of this new album from Pastel Ghost.  The beats are really strong, creating a pounding sensation at almost every corner; it’s definitely a dance floor ready style (musically speaking).  But, what really sold me on the Vivian Moon’s project is the way she’s opted to record the vocals; they’re coated in this really hazy smoothness that provides a soft underbelly to her driving electro tracks.  If I took drugs, I would probably take them to this track…but don’t do drugs folks!  Look for the debut album, Abyss, this week via 80s Ladies Records.

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