Another New Song from Aan (SXSW Act)

AAN_web_press_photo_lo-res_jpgWe’ve been covering Aan for some time, and it seems only fitting that we offer up this latest tune of theirs to close out our Friday offerings.  This tune comes from their Amor Ad Nauseum effort, which is available now.  It’s filled with lofty songwriting, soaring vocals, and an organic structure that reminds me an awful lot of Snowmine .  The Portland act has won over pretty much everyone in their homebase, and it looks like with a big tour lined up-including SXSW-they’ll be happily spreading their tunes to all of us outside the Beaver State.


Download: Aan – Daylight [MP3]

Great New Track From Aan


It’s been quite some time since I last posted about Portland based band Aan (just about a year ago) and I feel guilty as I’ve missed some major news on the band.  Just yesterday, the band dropped their brand new debut LP, Amor Ad Nauseum, via Party Damage.  To make my tardiness right, I’m sharing with you guys this new joint “Bubble Bath Bop”.  The title of the song is quite possibly the best way to describe the track prior to the first listen.  It’s a bright, jangly pop tune that’s equal parts shiny and catchy.

You can also catch this band in all their live glory during SXSW.

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