Another Gem From Minor Poet

Way back in March I was very excited to discover new Richmond based artist Andrew Carter and his project known as Minor Poet. Well as promised back then, I’d be sharing more new music as it came my way. Today we’ve got this great new track called “Judith Beheading Holofernes” for your eagerly awaiting ears. Once again we are treated to a beautiful, lo-fi pop number worthy of multiple spins.

A self-titled debut album will be coming from Minor Poet on August 25th via Egghunt Records.

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Melodic Pop Number From Minor Poet

Andrew Carter has spent the last couple of monthswholed up in his basement writing, recording, and playing every instrument for his new project called Minor Poet. Andrew begins to share samples of his hard work today with this fancy new song “Plot Devices”. The track certainly has a Pet Sounds vibe to it with the swirling vocals and bright drums dropping in from time to time in the background. This track serves as a preview of more to come in an album being released later this year. We’ll keep ya posted.

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