Song Premiere: Another Green World

agwWe’ve posted and shared our fascination with Alec West’s new solo project Another Green World a few times in the past.  The style is sonically right up our alley with its dream like sounds and beautifully composed pop tendencies.  Today we’re happy to be premiering a new song from the project called “Snow”.  Once again we are finding many things to like here and I’m sure you guys will too.

New album, Memorial, is out October 21st on 80s Ladies Records.

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Dream Pop from Another Green World

agwMy mind is all over the place, so it makes sense that my musical tastes today are all over the place.  Right now, I’m feeling the synth dreamscape crafted by Another Green World.  It’d be easy just to throw the music in with an ode to Brian Eno, but there’s more of a wash of distortion that’s reminiscent of the work of every 80s band and those that followed in their shoegazing footsteps.  I like the string emphasis that leaks through my speakers; it’s a nice little touch. Look for his new album, Memorial, to come out on October 12th…you can also visit his site and revisit his older sonic constructions.

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